View Full Version : I weighed myself this morning

04-07-2010, 07:35 AM
and now I'm totally depressed.

04-07-2010, 08:26 AM
I held up a pair of pants last night that I bought 2 years ago and it was obvious they were not going to fit. Sad thing is that they fit last year. I can button them but they look well and truly terrible.

Hope it's ok to add my woes to your timely thread.


04-07-2010, 08:40 AM
Hope it's ok to add my woes to your timely thread.

Please do...misery loves company.

04-07-2010, 09:07 AM
Please do...misery loves company.

Well, in that case...I've gained 15 lbs in the past year instead of losing any...and I had A LOT to lose before then.

Trying to just get through today on track.


04-07-2010, 09:19 AM
If it makes you feel better, I have gained about 10 lbs since I started working. Now the new clothes I bought 9 months ago no longer fit me and I need to go out and buy more clothes. Last week I just got myself a pair of jeans because all my jeans don't fit anymore. It sucks! Totally understand.

04-07-2010, 09:29 AM
I can't wear my work pants, only my skirts, with a long shirt over them.

I did make it to the Y last night. I can't just go work out. I need social contact, a class something. I do water aerobics with the blue haired ladies. I stopped, I gained weight, now I have to go back.

04-07-2010, 09:39 AM
I haven't been on the scale in month because the thought makes me physically ill.

04-07-2010, 09:44 AM
I haven't been on the scale in month because the thought makes me physically ill.
Seriously. I actually stood there for a minute debating whether I should get on it or not this morning. Ugh.

04-07-2010, 09:44 AM
I don't own a scale. That's my answer. Ignorance is bliss.

04-07-2010, 10:04 AM
:hug: argh, i'm so BTDT, right now with the baby weight that won't come off. stepping on the scale is just a recipe for getting depressed, dont' know why i do it. so is trying on pre-prego jeans. i'm trying to avoid either for another several months now.

04-07-2010, 10:23 AM
Btw, I haven't weighed myself since last June. I was going with the whole "how your clothes fit" method. Obviously not working! Though, people keep complimenting my weight loss. My face does look thinner. I think it's all redistributing and landing in my fricking hips.


04-07-2010, 11:21 AM
Its muscle gain. Muscle weights more than fat. :)

04-07-2010, 11:29 AM
that's me-gained 8 lbs since Dec!

04-07-2010, 02:00 PM
I had 15lbs to lose from my last baby and STILL have that weight. The 'baby' is now 2 years old. At this point, its not baby fat, its just plain ol FAT.