View Full Version : Was I defriended on FB or did the person delete their FB account?

04-12-2010, 11:30 PM
I was looking at a Facebook post of mine and I noticed that a friend's comment was no longer there. I am positive it was there because I responded to his comment but his comment has been removed (and not just a comment without a photo). So, I looked in my list of friends and he is no longer listed as my friend.

If he un-friended me, wouldn't his old comments still show up? If he deleted his FB account, do all posts disappear too?

FWIW- it's just an old friend from college that I rarely speak to (even on FB). So, for the life of me I can't fathom why he would un-friend me. And even though we are not at all close anymore, I really want to know what happened! :)

04-12-2010, 11:45 PM
Did you do a search for his profile to see if it's still there?

04-12-2010, 11:51 PM
Did you both have any friends in common? Check their friend lists and see if he's there. That's how I found out about a defriending recently. And then try not to stress about it - people prune their FB lists all the time, I've found.

04-13-2010, 07:10 AM
Could've been the pruning thing. I'm not on FB, but DH is and he decided to only friend guys or females we're related to. He thought, "Why do I need to know what someone else's wife or this woman I used to work with are up to? I don't." It may have been something like that.

04-13-2010, 07:28 AM
Maybe they chose to delete the comment. I've done that before.

I am not a friend collector but for a while I was accepting requests from people I could barely remember. One day I decided that I only wanted real friends on there. No one upset me or anything, I just didn't need or want to have them on my list.


04-13-2010, 08:56 AM
you've probably figured out already if this person is still on FB or not, but i did have a friend (a real friend) who deleted her FB account and all her comments disappeared. i had the same thing, a photo that she commented on and i had commented on her comment, and all that was left was my response to her comment! it was like she never existed... spooky...