View Full Version : S/O Breech babies, do they ever flip to breech at the end?

04-13-2010, 08:49 PM
Disclaimer: Please forgive me if this is a STUPID question! :wink2:

I guess I shouldn't be worrying about something I can't control, but since I've been reading some peoples' posts about their babies flipping from breech to head down on their own towards the end of pregnancy, does it ever go in reverse? That is, is it possible or typical for a baby to be head-down for most of the pregnancy, then flip over to breech at the very end? I was worried about DD being breech because I really didn't want a c/s, and luckily she was head down the whole time (or at least at the end, when it mattered). Now I'm kind of worried that this baby will end up breech (can you tell I don't want a c/s?!), since it seems like there are so many ways for them to be breech but really only one good position for them to deliver naturally.

Any knowledge of this or experience with it?
Thanks! :)

04-13-2010, 08:51 PM
It can happen, but it's a lot less likely the further along you get. I think it's something like 3% of term pregnancies that are breech total, so the odds are heavily in favor of vertex.


04-14-2010, 01:26 AM
yup. dd1 was head down at 36 weeks. at 38 weeks, she turned breech. at 39 weeks we did a version. she stayed head down for the last week.

04-14-2010, 01:50 AM
My sister did it. My mom said she felt the baby flip over (I think it must have been at about 38 weeks, though my mom never was that specific), and my sister was born vaginally but breech (in 1971).

I really, really did not want a c-section, but DD was comfortably settled bottom down and did not move for weeks. Since I went into labor at 36 weeks (which was pretty much expected), neither version nor a breech delivery was an option.

So c-section it was. I nearly cried, but in the end I got a perfectly healthy, absolutely beautiful baby girl who now is almost 27 months old and one of the joys of my life (along with DS, who was vertex but very early--I just can't seem to get it right). And still very stubborn.

Don't worry yourself about this. Enjoy your pregnancy and have faith that everything will be okay in the end.

04-14-2010, 02:25 AM
Don't worry yourself about this. Enjoy your pregnancy and have faith that everything will be okay in the end.

:yeahthat: Could not agree more! (Although here I am worrying about all kinds of other scenarios I can't control, so I know exactly where you are....)

04-14-2010, 09:32 AM
Yep, it happens.

DD was breech at 36 weeks, flipped minutes before we were going to try a version at 37 weeks, then flipped back to breech at *39* weeks. Scheduled a c-section. Still head down at the u/s before surgery, flipped sideways after the ultrasound, but before they started surgery.

Did I mention she was 10 lbs, 8 ounces?

04-14-2010, 11:34 AM
Flipped TO breech two days before I delivered. I had seen my OB four days earlier and baby was head down. Uncomfortable amount of pressure for the next two days due to head down and descending. Then flipped about 48 hours before my water broke.

But, that is not the norm! So, don't worry about it. Also, some obs will deliver a second baby vaginally even if its breech so long as you have had a first baby vaginally - - can't recall from your post. You can ask your ob.