View Full Version : Water/Rain Barrels: What kind do you have? would you recommend or not?

04-16-2010, 08:36 PM
We're looking at this one:

Anyone have any opinions of this one or any other one that you would/wouldn't recommend?


04-16-2010, 09:39 PM
We got ours from a city sponsored program. The barrels are actually "recycled food grade" barrels from this company: http://www.skyjuice.us/

They aren't pretty, but ours works great. The program allowed us to purchase the barrel for $47.xx.

04-16-2010, 09:43 PM
Ours are recycled food grade barrels (formerly contained olives and still reek a year later.) We bought them cheap from a county program last year and prefer them to the expensive rain barrel my IL's so kindly gifted b/c they're larger and lighter. I like to think that the funky olive smell keeps the skeeties out of the water, but that's probably wishful thinking.