View Full Version : Help! Weaning 13 mo. old

04-18-2010, 09:52 AM
I am trying to wean my 13 mo. old son from nursing, any suggestions? He co-sleeps with us, and recently he has been "nursing" all night long (more like I am his personal pacifier) and two nights ago at 4 a.m. I declared I was DONE and he didn't nurse at all yesterday, but I finally gave up around 12:30 a.m. this morning because he was screaming bloody murder and I thought my chest might explode. Cold turkey worked for my daughter, but she was around 1 1/2 and she could understand a little bit more by then. I am torn because I don't necessarily want to be done, but I would like my sleep back! Any suggestions are welcome! TIA!

04-18-2010, 10:09 AM
Cold turkey can be jvery tough. I did it with my daughter at 12 months (I was pregnant and it was a rash decision) and I've always regretted it. If he's not responding well, I'd go for the drop-1-feeding-per-week method instead. Better for him and for your own physical comfort too.

04-18-2010, 10:14 AM
I would really recommend going very slowly with it. It is hard to do cold turkey at that age- he doesn't understand what is going on plus you could get really engorged/ plugged ducts/ mastitis. Conventional wisdom is to drop a feeding every 1-2 weeks. It could be that he is having a growth spurt or separation anxiety that can work themselves out soon. It might be worth hanging in there and see if the marathon night stuff goes away.
