View Full Version : Any ADHD experts out there?

04-20-2010, 07:48 PM
So far 3 docters have said my 10 year old ds does not have ADHD but he is impolsive and impatient. Are these symptoms of ADHD? Are there any good strategies for getting him to wait and be patient when needed? Will it help any if I read a book or two about ADHD? Or is this something else going on with him? He does have sensory issues and some motor delays so that may be part of it, but I just wish he could be more patient and not so impulsive. He has no trouble paying attention or focusing which is I think why he does not have ADHD. We are working on the other issues that he has and OT therapy has helped a lot for him. I just wish I could solve this piece too.



04-20-2010, 07:55 PM
Many children have ADHD-like behaviors, but are not diagnosed with ADHD. My older DD is among them. Like many things, ADHD is a spectrum. There are kids who are severely impacted and kids who simply have some behaviors some of the time. It is known as a disorder of "executive function", so searching for books and info on executive dysfunction as well as ADHD may help.

A couple books I have found helpful are:

Smart but Scattered (http://www.amazon.com/Smart-but-Scattered-Revolutionary-Executive/dp/1593854455)

Late Lost and Unprepared (http://www.amazon.com/Late-Lost-Unprepared-Executive-Functioning/dp/1890627844/ref=pd_sim_b_1)

Organizing the Disorganized Child (http://www.amazon.com/Organizing-Disorganized-Child-Strategies-Succeed/dp/0061797413/ref=pd_sim_b_2)

04-20-2010, 08:18 PM
Who has told you this? Peds or did you get a full eval from a child psychologist?
There are other dx that have explosive/impulsive behaviors involved that are not ADHD. Did the doctors you talked to give you any guidance on how to deal with these behaviors? Even if you don't have a dx, you still need help managing the behaviors.

04-20-2010, 08:44 PM
Josh has both ADHD and SPD (sensory processing disorder/SID sensory integration disorder...same thing).

Who knows, maybe your son doesn't have ADHD, maybe it is all sensory or something else.

One way to look at it is this: imagine if you had on a really itchy wool sweater or mosquito bites all over, and the radio was playing too loudly, and there was a spotlight pointed in your direction and you felt a little dizzy and off balance. Then someone asked you a question, or to fill out a homework page. Would you give a slow thought out answer, wait for the correct lull in conversation to say something, do your best on your homework page? Or would you feel so agitated and annoyed, like you were crawling out of you skin, so bombarded that you were quick with everything that needed to be done or said?

That's my example of walking in our kids shoes. I hope it helps gain some understanding and insight.

That said, I would get the opinion of a child psychologist. I numerous Pediatricians tell me that Joshua was just fine...starting at age 2 through 5, when I knew good and well that he wasn't. I finally found a child psychologist take me seriously and evaluate him, and she said she couldn't believe that I had hung in there as long as I had, because he was a rough case. I was like, "you're telling me." I love the kid to death, but boy-oh-boy! So it just goes to show, you may need an expert's opinion (or more!) to get to the bottom of this.

Or maybe he is just impulsive and impatient by nature...