View Full Version : s/o - Stain removal for white shirts

05-04-2010, 01:46 PM
I have been reading through the recent treads on stain removal and have collected some good advice from there. I have a specific question; DS is going to be in grade 1 next year and will have a uniform. The boys must wear any navy blue pants other than sweats, jeans or athletic pants and a white or navy blue shirt with a collar. I think the boys look funny in blue shirts with blue pants, so I'd love for him to wear a white shirt.

However, DS gets filthy every.single.day. I'm talking, food, dirt, paint, marker, pretty much anything he touches. I rarely ever buy him light coloured clothing because I know the stains are just too tough to deal with. I am hoping as he matures this will improve but at the moment I am expecting the status quo for next year. A few weeks ago both him and DD wore white shirts to school for a special event. DD came home spotless, DS's shirt barely looked like it had ever been white to start with!

Any suggestions for a good stain removal plan for white shirts or any white shirts that are really stain resistant? Or, should I just resign myself to him wearing navy blue shirts with navy blue pants for the next few years?