View Full Version : 14 month old foot seems to be turned in a bit when walking?

05-06-2010, 11:56 AM
I have a 14 month old daughter and when she walks I feel her right foot is turning inward rather than straight. Does anyone have any experience with that? I will be meeting my pediatrician for 15 month apt end of this month and will ask her about my concern then. In the meantime if you have any info, i will appreciate it. Thank you

05-06-2010, 12:00 PM
This is one of those things that is hard to say via the internet. Most toeing intoeing /out toeing and other such things self correct in young children. You can run it by your ped but usually it does self correct. However, there are always cases where something else *could* be going on so I wouldn't want to say absolutely don't worry about it, kwim? The majority of the time it isn't a problem, however (provided you don't have other concerns, child doesn't have an unusual birth or medical history, etc.).

If it is impacting her function you could have a PT look at it through early intervention (is she meeting her milestones? Weight bearing equally on both legs when cruising/walking?). I'd mention to the ped but don't be surprised if they are very unconcerned.

Tondi G
05-06-2010, 12:06 PM
My almost 9 year old had the foot turning in thing going on. We watched it, our ped had a look at it year after year. As he grew up his foot slowly got straighter and straighter. When he broke his arm at age 5 and we were in a ped orthopedic surgeons office anyways I asked him about DS's foot. He checked my son out and said it would continue to improve and that our ped did the right thing by leaving it alone. They used to put kids in stiff braces and found that the outcome wasn't any more improved than the children who were left alone. My ped suggested buying DS the lightest weight shoes possible and having him barefoot as much as possible, we did that. Now at almost 9 you can barely see that his left foot turns in a bit... it becomes more apparent if he is tired (after a long day at Disneyland etc).

05-06-2010, 02:01 PM
My dd who is 8 had the same issue. All the peds (maybe 3) said to just leave it alone, that it was muscular and would straighten on its own. She started ballet this year and the improvement in her feet are really noticeable. The one thing her ped told us was that she could do the balance board type activities to build up strength. We were never very good about remembering, and he really didn't stress it.

I still notice it with dd, but I figure it'll just keep improving.

05-06-2010, 02:39 PM
Do you notice it all the time, or just when wearing shoes or not wearing shoes?

05-06-2010, 02:57 PM
Have you seen this recent thread? I commented on it.


05-06-2010, 03:04 PM
There's another thread on this that I started. DDs 20 months and her toes are turned inward. Her ped said it'll correct itself but I'm looking to get a second opinion from an Ortho Ped, just for my peace of mind. I just don't want to wait and later feel we could have done something and didn't.

05-10-2010, 04:28 PM
I watched my daughter walk and I feel her foot is turned in only when she has a pair of shoes/sandas on (she just has one pir her first from stride rite. She seems to be ok when no shoes on.

05-10-2010, 06:11 PM
DS is pigeon-toed, not too seriously, but noticeable. I asked at his 3 year check-up last year and his ped wasn't really concerned. He asked if it slows him down or causes any problems with walking, running, jumping, etc. It doesn't. The ped said he would be happy to refer us to a ped ortho if I wanted, but said the same thing as pp as far as the fact that they really don't do the bracing or other interventions anymore so they would probably just take a wait and see approach. He even pointed out that John Elway is pigeon-toed and it didn't stop him from becoming a football hall-of-famer. :p

I will say that while DS is still pigeon-toed, it does seem to be getting a bit better and isn't quite as noticeable as it was even a year ago.

05-10-2010, 06:46 PM
I watched my daughter walk and I feel her foot is turned in only when she has a pair of shoes/sandas on (she just has one pir her first from stride rite. She seems to be ok when no shoes on.

I bet it is the shoes then. DS has two pairs of stride rite's. His first pair that I bought him do not have a lot of padding in them and he walks fine. The second pair has a lot of padding around the ankle and he walks with his feet turned in (I'll be returning these). I would take her to a shoe store and have her try on several pairs to see if that corrects the problem before you start stressing over it.