View Full Version : AF question--What does this mean? UPDATE

05-07-2010, 09:00 PM
I have always had a 28 day cycle, like clockwork. The past 2 months it's been 25 days, and now this month 24 days! What is going on? Is this a sign of perimenopause? I would write it off if it was just one month, but it's a pattern now. I've been doing some dieting lately, but I don't see how that could affect it. I've also been very tired during the day for many months, but that could be from just staying up late. I have an OB appt. coming up. I wonder if I should ask her to check my thyroid, b/c that can mess with your cycles too, right?

Why am I so freaked out about this? I guess in the back of my mind, I thought I still had the option for #3 within in next 1-2 years. I guess the idea of perimenopause just upsets me (if that's what it is).

05-07-2010, 09:02 PM
Curious what the response will be, I have been dealing with issues also. Last month my cycle was 24 days and lasted 12 days long! Definitely has become a pattern of probably 5 or 6 months now for me. I don't know anything about perimenopause but I can tell you right now that at 27 I am not ready for it.

05-07-2010, 09:04 PM
Melanie, from the little I've read, a shorter interval btwn cycles can mean any number of things that are disrupting/imbalancing your hormones. In your case, at your age (I'm 38), I would wonder about stress?

05-07-2010, 09:06 PM
Probably hit it right on the head. I did talk to my doctor and he said that the Prozac should help. I'm hoping it will!
My hormones are definitely screwed up though. I'd like to have a total hormone transplant.

Is that possible?

05-07-2010, 09:11 PM
If your thyroid is out of whack, it can definitely mess with your cycles.

05-07-2010, 09:25 PM
If your thyroid is out of whack, it can definitely mess with your cycles.

I know there was a big thyroid thread recently. Of course, I'm not happy with my weight, but I haven't been unnecessarily gaining, and the dieting seems to be working. The only other sx I can think of is fatigue, which, like I said could totally be related to going to bed at 11pm and getting up at 4:30-5am with DD. I was reading, though, that women with shorter intervals btwn cycles can have subclinical thyroid issues....

05-07-2010, 09:35 PM
What is subclinical?

05-07-2010, 09:40 PM
What is subclinical?

Borderline, not really qualifying for a dx, but on the border.

05-07-2010, 09:40 PM
I was reading, though, that women with shorter intervals btwn cycles can have subclinical thyroid issues....

What is subclinical?

In this case, subclinical means that the tests come back "within range" despite an overwhelming expectation of a thyroid issue due to symptoms.... Depending on the doctor, a "subclinical" diagnostic reading may or may not mean that they would treat it.

Tondi G
05-07-2010, 11:30 PM
I have no idea but I have had the same thing going on too. My cycles were always 28 days like clockwork. After DS1 they were maybe 27 days... then after 2 MC's and DS2 they got shorter. When I got the Paragard iud I was having a 24 or 25 day cycle and then a good 10 day period, so 1.5 wks on then 2 wks off. Part of the reason I had the thing removed. My cycle this last month was 24 days... sometimes it's 25 days. I have no clue what is going on. I too am tired during the day but stay up later so I blame that. Who knows. I haven't had my thyroid checked and with me it seems everything always seems to come back borderline but not something they would treat for... ie when I asked to have blood work after MC#2.

Hope you can find the cause for your short cycles and that it's easily treated.

05-08-2010, 12:36 AM
During one of our 7 million fertility tests, a doctor informed me that anemia can affect your cycles as well, so you might want to have a blood test to check your iron levels.

05-08-2010, 07:55 AM
I am 43 and have been at 24 days for just over a year. I used to be 28 *exactly*, for years and years. Not much has changed, otherwise. I think perimenopause. My OB wanted me to take BCP for this reason, but I did not take them.

I wish I had an explanation for you!

05-08-2010, 08:22 AM
Anything that affects your hormonal balance - and not sleeping (ask me, lol), dieting, and stress all do this - will cause what you're talking about.

I don't know quite where you are pp with your dd, but your body could also be going through another balancing cycle and it's thrown a little out of whack by the combination of that and not sleeping.

Good to ask your doc about.

05-08-2010, 09:24 AM
Interesting...I am reading this thread with similar problems. I got AF 3 times within 6 weeks! Have had a 28 day cycle sincce I was 12. The last 3 lasted only 3-5 days each....I am almost thinking I had a miscarriage....surely can't be a meopause issue at age 35? Sorry, don't mean to hijack....just want this to be bumped for more responses.

05-08-2010, 05:26 PM
I can't wait to talk to my OB about it (well I'll be meeting a new OB next week--it's a huge practice and you never see the same person). DD is 21 months, still nursing, so that factors in with the hormonal thing too. If they don't check iron, I'll request that, as it may factor into the tiredness thing (but it may not be b/c of that, who knows).

05-08-2010, 08:26 PM
DD is 21 months, still nursing, so that factors in with the hormonal thing too.

This is just what I was going to mention too. Hope your appt. goes well w/ the new MD.

05-08-2010, 10:09 PM
DD is 21 months, still nursing, so that factors in with the hormonal thing too.

Ah, yes - and you posted that you were thinking of weaning b/c she's not getting much milk, right? (Sorry to be so dense, but really I'm getting so little sleep my memory is for carp....)

I would lay money your AF anomalies are related to your changes in milk supply. But what do I know?

Glad you're going to talk to your doc about this, anyway. GL!

Twin Mom
05-09-2010, 12:04 AM
I don't know how old you are Sally but my OBGYN told me that as you get older AF comes more frequently so could it just be an age thing? My coworker who is also my age told me that her OBGYN told her the same thing.

05-09-2010, 06:24 AM
DD is 21 months, still nursing, so that factors in with the hormonal thing too. If they don't check iron, I'll request that, as it may factor into the tiredness thing (but it may not be b/c of that, who knows).

My cycles were all over the place (after being regular) during the last few months of my nursing relationship with DS1. DS1 self-weaned at 24 months and I'd say the last 3 months leading up to that were all wacky. I was having spotting midcycle that would last for 10 days and my cycles were shorter as well. I even went to the doctor to have my thyroid levels checked, but they were fine. My cycle normalized after he weaned completely so I'm pretty sure my hormones were just all over the place towards the end of our nursing relationship when he was nursing only a little (once a day for the last 3 months, including a 10 day nursing strike at 21 months). I was only 24 at the time, so it definately wasn't perimenopause (which I heard starts up to 10 years before actual menopause). So my guess is that your cycle issues are related to nursing less frequently as well.

05-09-2010, 09:11 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I nursed Ds for 3 years, and my I have always thought DD would go to about 2 years. She loves her nursing, but isn't as attached to it as DS was. At this point, I feel she's mostly nursing for comfort (I don't hear her swallowing a lot). I'm hoping this is what's going on with AF. I'll make sure to bring this up with the OB, although, many OB's don't know a lot about extended nursing. I remember when I was preg asking about different meds as to their safety for preg *and* nursing. The OB kept saying I didn't have to worry about that now (I was preggo), but I kept having to remind her that I was currently nursing DS, it was like it was not registering.

05-13-2010, 01:00 PM
So, I thought I'd post an update in case it helps those dealing with similar issues. I liked this new dr. Being a data geek, I gave her a chart of the length of my cycle for last year and this year so far (I had my calendar, so it was easy). Seems this issue with 24-25 days between periods has mostly been confined to this calendar year.

Anyway, she just said that cycles get shorter as we age, but she didn't think I was in perimenopause. She said anything greater than 21 days is within the range of normal. She didn't want to do any thyroid testing. They did do iron testing as part of the standard proceedure, and I assume they'll tell me if it comes back low.

I also mentioned sharp pains in my ovary that I've been getting off and on this past year, and she didn't think it was a big deal--thought it may be ovulatory. I asked if it could be cysts related to aging, and she just said that not everything can be blamed on aging :)

She suggested I get on Loestrin (24 I belive) to regulate my cycles an also reduce the heaviness of my period. She said it may help with ovulatory pain as well. I did some searches, but can anyone update on how they like this pill? I heard it is moderately androgenic. I'm trying to lose weight and am already battling some acne, I don't need anything working against me in those departments, or the libido dept. for that matter.

I know it may reduce my milk supply, but I'm ok with that at this point (DD is almost 2 yo and I feel ready to start the weaning process--I assume it will take about 6 months, but who knows. Would be easier if DH were home to put her to bed at night).

I was ready to do a Mirena right there, but she said she didn't have the time scheduled, and I should try the loestrin first and see if I liked it (not sure if that was b/c she didn't have the time to do the Mirena). I guess I'm ok with that since if we do try for #3, it would be sometime soon, and this way I could just stop taking the pill rather than have a Mirena removed.

Sorry for the rambling....

ETA: I had my period last Friday the 7th, and she said I could start the Loestrin this Sunday the 16th and then use backup for 2 weeks. Does this sound right. I've always thought you had to start the first day of your period, first Sunday afterward, or within 5 days of starting your period. Not sure what the point is of starting it 9 days after my period, so I may just wait until next month...

05-13-2010, 01:40 PM
I don't think it really matters when you start. The recommendations are for convenience, so that you don't totally mess up your cycle by starting the hormones at an odd time of the month. If you would rather wait until next month, no biggie.

05-13-2010, 01:57 PM
I was on loestrin and HATED it! It made me gain weight, tired ALL the time and very moody. As soon as I stopped taking it, my sx disappeared. I tried another bc pill and did not like the way it made me feel either. I hope you have better luck with it than I did!

05-13-2010, 02:40 PM
I was on Loestrin, and liked it. Not sure about the weight gain, as I was already heavy. And I think all birth control for women make you gain weight! I used to have super heavy periods, and major cramping - like can't get out of bed and walk cramping, and the Loestrin helped with both of those. Now I have more normal amount of bleeding and 5-7 day periods instead of 10-14 day long ones.

You just have to try it and see how it does for you. I was on 5 different pills before these, and these worked the best for me. I will have to say that I think birth control pills messed up my hair (all kinds, not just Loestrin). It fell out in fistfulls, got very thin, the texture changed, etc. It seems to be a little better on the Loestrin though. But my hair will never be the same again. :(

05-13-2010, 02:52 PM
I was on Microgestin FE (Generic for Loestrin FE) for a few years between DS1 and TTC #2. My periods became almost none existent overtime. My OB said that could happen. Honestly I think you just need to try it for yourself. Everyone reacts differently to BCP. But, when you do start it, give yourself a few cycles to get adjusted to them.

05-13-2010, 02:53 PM
Loestrin helped me with cramps and then I started taking the active pills non-stop (w/ nurse practitioners blessing) and that solved the whole problem. I don't know about the weight gain. I both gained and lost weight while taking it so I'm not sure it had any real effect for me. It did not trigger migraines for me as other b/c pills did, but it did negatively impact my libido. I think it's just different for everyone though so you'd have to try it to know how it will effect you.


05-13-2010, 02:57 PM
I'm on my third pack of Loestrin. So far, so good. The first month, I had a normal length, but MUCH lighter period. Last month, my "period" came a week earlier than normal and was nothing more than spotting. This month...so far, no spotting. I'm not sure whether to expect a normal, lighter period with the iron pills or not.

It definitely has lightened and shortened my periods so far.
I also believe it says that you can start taking it any time. I just waited and started when my period did for convenience sake.

Oh, I just wanted to add that I'm still on the fence about whether it is causing m,e to have visual migraines. I tend to think that it is. I didn't get many of those before, but I've been having quite a few. Thankfully, they don't turn into full-blown migraines, because that would be a deal-breaker for me. My migraines seem to be very hormonally affected anyhow, so I think I'm particularly sensitive in that area.

05-13-2010, 03:59 PM
Thanks for the feedback on the loestrin. I know I'll just have to try it and see how it goes. I feel trepidation b/c I'm finally losing weight (9 lbs. so far) and have my acne somewhat under control. Feeling pretty good about myself, and don't want that to go downhill. The OB said the main thing to watch out for would be depression. Also, she wasn't a fan of seasonique, b/c she said it was an "older progestin". She said if I wanted to, I could just take the active Loestrin pills continuously for several months in a row if I wanted.