View Full Version : Bowlegged

05-10-2010, 08:38 AM
My mother-in-law said the craziest thing yesterday. I have read baby books and never heard this. She said that until a baby is older, you shouldn't allow her to try to stand or put pressure on her legs (like when she stands up on your lap) or she will grow to be bowlegged. My DD is 3-months-old and often likes to stand on my lap. I can't imagine there is any truth to this. It sounds like an old wives' tale to me. Have any of you heard of this and what do you think?

05-10-2010, 10:02 AM
Yeah, I had heard the theory that you're not supposed to do it, although I don't recall what the reason behind it was - no idea if there is any merit to it but I basically ignored it, and DD's legs seem just fine...

05-10-2010, 10:52 AM
I don't know about the bow-legged thing, but I can chime in on baby "standing."

My DD was a preemie and we were cautioned over and over again by her neonatologists, physical therapists, etc not to allow her to stand until she was pulling up on things herself. They said it is something that can be an issue with all babies, but especially for preemies.

It has to do with them developing the strength in their back and back of legs as opposed to the front of legs and core (abdomen.) Those core muscles are critical for crawling, balancing and walking. Preemies especially don't get the time in womb (in a forced fetal position) to develop those core muscles so they're starting out behind the power curve. Those back and leg muscles however & super-strong. If they're allowed to stand, that just encourages more strengthening in areas that don't need it - at the expense of areas that do.

Again, I don't know how that correlates to being bow-legged, but that's my 2 cents on baby standing. :)