View Full Version : If your DC was classified as low tone-how long until they were no longer--low tone?

05-10-2010, 09:02 PM
Just curious. We had to back pedal for pre-auth for DS's OT and the therapist did a wonderful pre-auth letter for us. In it, she used terminology that she sort of glossed over with me. She classified DS as low tone due to his fine and gross motor delays. I'm just wondering if a child can "outgrow" the low tone diagnosis and how long it actually takes. DS is 5 1/2.

FWIW, BFF daughter was in PT diagnosed with low tone and was in PT until she began to walk--but I think is still considered low tone.

05-11-2010, 04:05 AM
I don't think you outgrow being truly low tone. Hoping someone with more info will weigh in.

05-11-2010, 06:32 AM
My older DD was considered low tone, which is why we had trouble breastfeeding (low oral tone), she was slow to walk (19 months), etc. She is still quite awkward compared to children her age. So I would say it is no longer an "issue", but I do think that she is not as strong as children her age and it takes her considerably longer to meet fine and gross motor milestones, but she does eventually catch up. I do wonder if the awkwardness will ever go away. Compated to kids her age, she fatigues easily, writing for assignments was a problem until third grade (but now she is fine), etc. I do try and make sure she gets a lot of physical activity, but in individual vs group situations.