View Full Version : S/O MY mama needs a new wardrobe. :-)

08-01-2010, 02:44 PM
So I happened to go through my mother's closet this weekend and I was completely appalled. She's got nothing but pilly hoodies, striped polos, flip flops and baggy khaki capris in there. Her only good clothes are things I've given her, and she's still got clothes I gave her TEN YEARS AGO.

Last year, we went through her closet and did a big purge. She asked for my help, but now I realize she hid a bunch of things from me before I got there, because some of that stuff would have never survived the clean out.

The other problem is that when she goes shopping, she buys the exact same items that we just got rid of. They're just new. She's also super-cheap. A $40 top at AT Loft is exorbitant and she feels she has to justify buying $20 shoes at Payless by saying "But I'll probably wear them forever." Um, Mom, they're not meant to be worn forever. They're disposable fashion.

My mother is not poor; she can afford nice clothes. But she's also not as successful as she could be in her career (sales) and I think it's because she doesn't project the right image.

She showed me some great photos not too long ago, of models wearing really classy, age-appropriate outfits that would look great on her. She said "This is what I want to look like." But I don't know how to break her out of the aforementioned ruts. They are, to recap:

1. She keeps clothes well past their expiration date.
2. She doesn't buy quality or well-made items in the first place.
3. She feels some sort of vague guilt about shopping.
4. She buys the same frumpy styles over and over.

How can I help her? She WANTS help. She ASKS for help. But she won't invest the necessary time or money to get the look she wants. Sometimes I buy her cute outfits, take the tags off them, and pretend they're my clothes that I've grown tired of. She'll wear them then. I honestly don't know what else to do.

08-02-2010, 09:13 AM
Ambush her with an appearance on "What Not to Wear" ? (They won't let you self-nominate. I've tried to find a loophole because I have a similar problem.)

In all seriousness, though, it sounds as if your mom needs the following things:

(1) A change in attitude. Is she just super-cheap or does she really think that she's not worth that $40 top from AT Loft? Because they're not the same thing.

(2) A re-education in value. Spending $20 on Payless shoes now and having to re-spend it in a couple of months is not value. (Especially if she ends up with foot problems from the poor construction!) Spending more for a QUALITY pair of shoes WILL allow her to wear them for practically forever (dress shoes can be re-soled, etc.) and, extending to other clothing items, if she's got a closet full of neutral staples in classic styles, she WILL wear them forever.

(3) A fashion intervention. If Stacy and Clinton aren't available, are you near any nice department stores with personal shopper services? Personal shoppers can help your mom see what those quality pieces will do for her in her career.

08-02-2010, 10:36 AM
The personal shopper is a great idea (but again the cost might bother her if she's already bothered by clothing costs) If she's open to going shopping and letting you pick out a bunch of outfits similar to her look book items she might see how good they look on her. Don't let her look at the price tags if possible. Then ask her to pick her favorites without considering price.

Similarly you could ask her what she would spend in total for a season or year and then mix and match pieces at different price points to that total rather than focus on individual priced items. Pay more for items that will get more wear (price per wear) and shop bargains for the rest.

08-02-2010, 11:47 AM
I would totally nominate her for WNTW. But seeing how that is a long shot...make her WATCH WNTW. Seriously, my SIL started watching it, and her DH bought her stuff for Christmas based on what he learned! And it was totally cute! So if a guy could it, so can your mom. (And he is a true fashion clueless guy!)

Barring marathon WNTW sessions, I think the personal shopper idea is a good one. Also, I know it's hard because she's your mom, but maybe it's time for a bit of harsh reality. Mom, that just makes you look old, and you're NOT old!

Also, you can always use any gift giving situation as an excuse to buy your mom clothes. A friend of mine taught me this trick when I was dating DH. :) He's much more fashionable now.

08-02-2010, 04:41 PM
Just a little note about department store personal shoppers--most of them are free! I used to be one for Macy's (before kids). There is no cost to the customer and there was no minimum purchase either. Good luck!

08-02-2010, 04:50 PM
My MIL had shopping success at Chico's when she actually listened to them. She went in saying she needed new clothes and they sent her to the fitting room. She now owns her 1st pair of jeans in decades (and looks good in them!).


08-02-2010, 07:10 PM
My MIL had shopping success at Chico's when she actually listened to them. She went in saying she needed new clothes and they sent her to the fitting room. She now owns her 1st pair of jeans in decades (and looks good in them!).


Chicos is probably a good store for the OP's mother. My MIL shops there and she's dressed very well - it's not my style as some of it is too matchy matchy, but she doesn't look frumpy or out of date.