View Full Version : Skipping night time diaper change for BF infant? (long)

08-04-2010, 05:47 PM
How long do you let your DC go without a diaper change during the night?

DS is currently going through what appears to be some sort of a prolonged growth spurt. It has been over a week since he has been waking up more frequently during the night to nurse than before. Before, he would go for at least 6 hours (his longest session) without a meal and of course without a diaper change. Now, he wakes up every 2-3 hours and I wonder what you do for your own sanity with these diaper changes during the night.

When DS wakes up, he nurses for 5-15 min depending on his hunger level I guess and falls asleep at the breast. If I put him into the crib, he would sleep soundly for the next 2 hours till his next feeding. The sleep interruption for me in this case is minimal and I can go back to sleep easily. When I change him, he wakes up and gets upset, he cries usually during night time diaper changes (even though I keep the light to the minimum) and he often wouldn't go back to sleep easily. My sleep interruption then can be as much as 1 hour or more. Needless to say, I am a complete zombie at work, which is not acceptable. Having DH help with diaper changes doesn’t work either. My sleep is still interrupted for an hour because the baby cries and then I have to nurse him more and soothe him to put him to sleep.

I started to avoid diaper changes during his first night nursing session (around 1 or 2am) and wait till he has been in the same diaper for 6 hours (he used to sleep for 6 hours straight). But I am also tempted to avoid his 4am diaper change and wait till 6am. This would make him stay in the same diaper for around 8 hours. Is this acceptable? I wouldn't make him stay in the poopy diaper, whenever he poops, we change him right away regardless if it's in the middle of the night. But what about the really wet diaper? I would not mind changing him, but some of these sessions are so dramatic with him screaming or having a discomfort trying to poop or pooping on a changing table and peeing all over, which totally disrupts our sleep. It's almost like if I let him sleep, his intestines are also "asleep".


Is this just a temporary thing for a 3 month old, or did he just fall into a regressed sleep pattern back to a brand new newborn and will stay there for a while? I think I will lose my mind if this continues for longer than another week.

08-04-2010, 05:53 PM

we started doing this with dd2 at around 2.5 months. 2 weeks so far and all good!

08-04-2010, 05:54 PM
I only change is poop in the middle of the night. If leaks are an issue then there are other things I'd try.

Sleep was always crazy cyclical with ds2- we'd get in a good phase (for like 2 weeks) then we'd wind up in a not so good one. Ds1, otoh, slept through the night from 2-6m...and then not again till like 18m. I never figured it out.

I think you are fine to skip middle of the night changes if it's just wet.


08-04-2010, 05:55 PM
I only change is poop in the middle of the night. If leaks are an issue then there are other things I'd try.

Sleep was always crazy cyclical with ds2- we'd get in a good phase (for like 2 weeks) then we'd wind up in a not so good one. Ds1, otoh, slept through the night from 2-6m...and then not again till like 18m. I never figured it out.

I think you are fine to skip middle of the night changes if it's just wet.



08-04-2010, 06:16 PM
I stopped changing middle of the night wet diapers at like 2 months, maybe earlier.


08-04-2010, 11:43 PM
Could you change him before you feed him?

08-05-2010, 12:07 AM
Change poop diapers for sure. Otherwise, if it would wake him, leave it.

08-05-2010, 09:22 AM
I'll only change DD2 during the night if I can tell her diaper is really, really wet. If so, I change her first (cue additional crying) then nurse back to sleep. I'll never wake a content, sleepy babe to change a diaper!

08-05-2010, 09:24 AM
DD sleeps from 6:30pm to 3:30am, eats, and then is up at 5:30am. Usually I feel her diaper when I get her at 3:30, if it feels really full I change her before I nurse her. If not, she stays in the same diaper until she gets up for the day at 5:30am. She is 4 months old and we started this when she was 2.5 months. She has yet to get a rash or have a leak. We use Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive, and when I do change the diaper at 5:30am, I have noticed that the part that touches her doesn't feel wet to the touch. Diaper technology never ceases to amaze me!

08-05-2010, 09:24 AM
Change poop diapers for sure. Otherwise, if it would wake him, leave it.

If you are worried about getting a diaper rash from being in a wet diaper, slather on a thick amount of cream before bed. We like Bordeaux's All Natural Butt Paste. :)

08-05-2010, 11:16 AM
Could you change him before you feed him?

That pretty much guarantees a prolonged crying session, DS hates his diaper changes in the middle of the night and more so on a hungry stomach. This baby cannot wait for a minute to get fed. Once he gets upset, he is not likely to go to sleep fast right during or after BF session. We usually do the diaper change at around 5-6am anyway, sometimes after he eats a little and sometime before. If I had to change his diaper at 1-2 am, then at 3-4 am then at 5-6am I would go seriously nuts.

08-05-2010, 11:26 AM
Change poop diapers for sure. Otherwise, if it would wake him, leave it.

We definitely change his poopy diaper, he usually poops only towards the time he wakes up for the morning (which is around 6am). When we hear him pooping, this is an automatic diaper change right away even if we just changed his wet diaper a minute ago. If he poops after he falls asleep in a silent fashion and we don't hear, he won't be changed until the next time he wakes up.

We didn't have problems with the rash, I feel bad leaving him in a wet diaper though, but the entire diaper changing operation would keep him up for around 30 min longer, would mostly be accompanied by crying or upset baby and would result in complete disruption of sleep for myself and DS. Doing this 3 times a night would drive me completely insane, I think this entire growth spurt is having me at the end of my rope already. It's been 2 weeks and it's time for DS to go back to his previous sleep pattern!

All right, I am grouchy today.. it was a bad night and he was pretty fussy with each of his feedings the entire time.