View Full Version : Dear AF,

08-09-2010, 07:49 PM
Go away! Now is not a good time. I'm tired, have a headache amongst other AF-related aches, and have to do all the planning for our cross-country flight this week. All DH has to do is pack his bag. I get to pack for me & DS, worry about food, toys, laundry, cleaning--the usual, plus the travel details. This is so not fair. I want to sleep, and no, DH, I do not want to work out tonight. And please don't keep me up late reading funny jokes. Yes, they are funny, but not after 10PM. Oh, and DS, you are not allowed to be hungry before 5:30AM. (This morning was 3:40!) You have a clock in your room, please learn to tell time. That's all.