View Full Version : Recommendation: myfitnesspal

08-15-2010, 11:42 PM
I know some people hear are already fans, but for those who aren't aware of it - I can't say enough good things about myfitnesspal! It's a super-easy way to track your meals.


You just put in what you ate (almost everything is already in the database) and it calculates everything for you. It also tracks exercise.

I've never really tracked calories before in any formal way. Tracking is HUGE. I think twice now before nibbling on DD's food, and I don't just dump cereal into a bowl til it's full -- I put in a reasonable portion.

I also sometimes put in meals or snacks that I'm THINKING about having just to get the calories / carbs / fat info. It's not about denying myself anything -- I still had a bowl of popcorn with butter this afternoon as a snack -- it's about being mindful of what I'm eating and how it fits into my day.

It's also helped me understand more about how silly I am, nutritionally. I don't eat meat and wasn't sure if I was getting enough protein. Turns out I'm fine there, but I'm greatly exceeding my recommended sodium intake. And I used up my daily recommended allotment of sugar with one big bowl of grapes for breakfast. For someone like me, who's not been organized about eating well, it's a real education!