View Full Version : Last minute restaurant Baltimore or Annapolis?

08-16-2010, 07:11 PM
We are going to be going to the Aquarium then driving on to Annapolis and need somewhere to eat dinner. It'll be just a bit after 5, when the Aquarium closes. We are parking near the Aquarium (fingers crossed..how bad is it??). Open to anything in the Inner Harbor or somewhere easy to get to in Baltimore or somewhere on the route to Annapolis or in Annapolis. Water taxi prices in Baltimore look crazy expensive and I am not sure I want to pay them unless it is truly worth it. For all I know it is cheaper to do it than park at a restaurant.

2 kids, probably tired. But I like good food and they are usually pretty darned good at restaurants. Open to any ethnic food except Ethiopian (just never got into that one). Prefer a non chain or at least a regional chain.
