View Full Version : DS wetting himself daily at 5.5...

08-19-2010, 11:59 PM
I have no idea what to do. DS is 5.5. Lately he wets himself during the day. HE says he is attempting to hold it in as long as possible. I tried to explain that he can't do that or he will cause himself to get an infection (I'm talking hold it in for over 6 hours at a time). He wets himself instead of using the toilet. I have to force him to go (make a game of it etc....) all of a sudden. I don't get it. The only thing I can think it would be is that DS is switching schools and maybe he is nervous about it. I don't think he already has an infection (no burning, urgency, backpain, fever etc.... and I know he can have an infection without any of these symptoms). Should I take him to the ped or try to reassure him about school and see if it goes away? I'm overly worried about this. My own brother lost a kidney b/c my parents and the ped missed an infection that got out of hand when he was 6.

08-20-2010, 02:55 AM
Can you swing by the ped and get sterile collection cup and wipes? Do the collection (they just need a small amount) at home and bring it to them to culture? Our ped is close and did this once when we were concerned but no other symptoms. My son had a UTI at four years old when he went to sports camp at a park (first time of "camp") and they had NO bathrooms and he was dehydrated too (wasn't getting his water bottle opened). He wet his pants twice but had no fever or complaints of back pain, burning, etc. though he is crazy high pain threshold guy and stoic. We have also had episodes of him suddenly not wanting to "check his tank" and trying to hold it for a long time once he was older and near misses. All of this started after age five. When forced to check, he would try and not go, then finally go and pee a liter or two it seemed like. I wish I had more helpful suggestions, maybe it is a phase . . .

I hope things are better soon.

08-24-2010, 10:42 PM
I can't remember if I'm getting this right, but does your DS have sensory issues or ADHD?