View Full Version : I want to get to choose where we live for just once!!!!

08-24-2010, 09:51 AM
Okay, this is just a big ol complainy post, but I would really love to be able to choose where we live. Or at least would just love to be able to say that we can only live about the Mason-Dixon line. I love the south, in general....I do. But I can't stand the weather right now. The first 10 years of it...great. But I'm from New England and I need trees and fall and snow and just green things. This desert living is getting old.

In the Army you submit a list of the top 6 places you would like to be stationed. The past 3 times they promised us top 3. We've never gotten them. Not even close. And, now, I'm sooooooo ready for fall and I'm stuck in the desert. In shorts. And I'm just so not from here.


08-24-2010, 01:26 PM
Amen, amen, AMEN! I hear you and totally get it. DH has a government job and not only do we go where we are told, we get to live in a house not of our choosing. I fantasize a LOT about what our retirement home will be like. :)

08-24-2010, 02:04 PM
I've never met anyone in the army who got any of the duty stations on thier wish list. We're told when DH is reenlisted active he'll likely be given a chance to choose where we go first but I seriously doubt they'll list anywhere I want to go (or that he'll pick it since I don't get to be in the room)

08-24-2010, 02:23 PM
Oh, yeah....normally, you would never expect your choice, but DH has pulled some special assignments that sort of entitles you to top 3. Just about everyone else got top choice for this move because of that special assignment...we got #5.


08-24-2010, 02:38 PM
I'm so sorry. I miss fall too.
