View Full Version : When does your 3mo go to bed?

09-13-2010, 12:03 AM
I'm curious from others about what time you put your 3 mo to bed? I've been putting my DS to sleep around 9:30-10pm and he usually sleeps until 4am or 6 hours. He will then go back to sleep for another 3 hours. Problem is that his last nap is usually around 5-6pm so he is really cranky by 9-10pm.

I'm afraid of putting him down too early bc I don't want to get up at 5:30am. What are others doing at this stage?

09-13-2010, 08:10 AM
My 3 month old is a night owl (and I'm not!). She has been going to bed about 10:30, and is just starting to sleep through the night. Wake up is typically between 5:30 and 7. She eats, has a short awake time, then naps. Her awake times get longer throughout the day, and she is typically awake between 6:30 and 10:30 each evening. She is NOT usually grumpy during that time, but around 9:30 she wants her last meal of the day and enjoys an extra-long nursing session then (and enjoys time with just mommy, because Jelly Bean is finally in bed).

09-13-2010, 09:26 AM
Both boys were like this...

10:30-11 at at that age. Sleep till 9 or later. 1-3 wake ups (1 would be lucky and rare!!!).

Super pleasant in the night time leading up till bedtime. Often a catnap around dinner time.


09-13-2010, 11:21 AM
DD was going to bed around 7:30pm at 3 months.

I wouldn't worry about putting your LO to bed earlier. My doctor says that babies aren't like adults (i.e. go to bed earlier/wake up earlier). An over tired child is the opposite, so go to bed late may mean waking up earlier. We found that when we upped DD's bedtime to 7:30 (used to be 9:30), she went down much faster and stayed asleep longer.

09-13-2010, 11:23 AM
when DS was that age, he would go to bed around 9pm. he's 8mo now and he still goes to bed around the same time.

09-13-2010, 02:09 PM
DD was going to bed around 7:30pm at 3 months.

I wouldn't worry about putting your LO to bed earlier. My doctor says that babies aren't like adults (i.e. go to bed earlier/wake up earlier). An over tired child is the opposite, so go to bed late may mean waking up earlier. We found that when we upped DD's bedtime to 7:30 (used to be 9:30), she went down much faster and stayed asleep longer.

My LO wakes up for a feeding at the same time (around 4 or 5) whether we put him done at 7 or 10. That was m experience with my other 3 kids as well.

09-13-2010, 02:11 PM
When my kids were 3 months, they went to bed about 7pm and slept until around 6-7 am, with a couple wakings to eat. I know DS2's last nap was around 4-5 and he still went to bed about 7.

09-13-2010, 03:14 PM
DS used to go to bed around 10, sometimes 10:30 UNTIL he was 3 months old and actually slept well. He would sleep till 4-5am without waking. At 3 months mark he started developing sleeping inconsistencies due to his growth spurt and later his entire sleep schedule went haywire.

He now seems to want to go to sleep earlier, we are able to put him to sleep at 9pm. But he is often very fussy around 7pm, so I am guessing he may want to go to sleep even earlier, however, whenever we try to put him to bed before 9pm it doesn't work! The earliest he was able to fall asleep is around 8:30. He is waking up a couple of times at night and often wouldn't go to sleep easily. Sometimes he also stays up 2 hours during the night when he wakes for his middle of the night feeding. He is not easy to put down for a day time nap either. Somebody help this poor baby!!!:help:

09-14-2010, 02:10 PM
My DD naps on and off up until the final feeding at midnight and then sleeps until 7-9 am. Of course, she sleeps in the car seat in the crib overnight, but still its 7-9 hours. She will sometimes nap from 11 until the top off feeding at 12. When we realized we were getting 5-6 hours of sleep from her a month ago, we decided to try and shift that long sleep and our doctor liked the idea of us doing a final feeding at midnight, even if it was only a few ounces. She wakes up well rested and happy as a bug in a rug:applause: