View Full Version : OMG, somebody turn my brain OFF. Is this a pregnancy thing?

09-23-2010, 07:00 AM
I am overthinking *everything.* I stay up at night worrying about things I honestly never worried about before. Minor things at work--and I've always believed in leaving work issues at work and coming home and being w/ the family. Worrying about forgetting to send things into school w/ my kids. And the bigger issues--just had a huge fight with my father, who is being a total jerk--are like 12-hour long operas I play out in my head.

Can extra hormones turn you into a neurotic mess?? Maybe it's just the lack of exercise and lack of wine (and inability to remove myself from our deep bathtub once I've put myself into it without a forklift) that was previously masking my insanity!!

09-23-2010, 08:08 AM
Hugs. Yes it is being pg and becoming a mom :) it gets better ...

09-23-2010, 09:47 AM
...that or you're a woman. I haven't figured that one out yet. ;)

At my prenatal yoga class the other day someone brought that up, and we all were nodding our heads. It's like marathon thought sessions, which progress into random, crazy dreams that continue the saga, disturbing all sleep.