View Full Version : Is it normal

10-06-2010, 07:57 AM
to have different experiences with each pregnancy? I just found out that I am probably pregnant (2 positive pee-on-a-sticks), and have been having major food aversions (esp. grapes & tomato-based sauces, go figure!). With DS I had no food issues and ate everything! (Also gained 40 lbs. :( ) Guess I was kinda hoping for two easy pregnancies. :D

Also feeling guilty b/c when I found out I was pg with DS I was totally excited. While we want another DC, I know what I'm getting into this time (ignorance is bliss?) and am tired just thinking about it, wondering if I'm ready for this, but it's kinda too late to be concerned with that. DH is excited, but he doesn't have to do the work. Still BFing DS (17 mo) about 3x/day (morning, nap, and bedtime) so that makes me tired too. Thanks for reading.

10-06-2010, 08:12 AM
Congrats!! :cheerleader1:

Yes, each pregnancy was different for me. I had different food aversions, different levels of m/s, etc. etc.

I think it is very normal to be more tired with subsequent pregnancies. I know I was!

I remember when I was pg with DD (baby #2) I had a lot of dreams about losing DS1 in a parking lot, leaving the baby carrier on top of the car with the baby still in it and starting to drive away, etc. I know that was my anxiety about having 2 kids working its way out :) By the time I was pg with #3 I think I was so tired I never had those dreams LOL ;)

COngrats and best wishes!

10-06-2010, 08:26 AM
Thanks! Crossing my fingers for a good pg, still nervous as with any pg.

10-06-2010, 08:54 AM
I'm where you're going to be almost to the day.

It was one year and two days ago that I found out I was pg with Ha. . . . and I weaned Jelly Bean at 17 months (October of last year) because nursing became too painful & traumatic for both of us.

With JB, I thought Spaghetti O's were the breakfast of champions. . . . with Ha, I couldn't stand it, or a lot of other things (and actually, I still can't eat tomatoes in any form without causing her problems.)

My 2nd pg was much harder, esp. with nausea, and taking care of JB made it worse. But JB now LOVES her sister and is very into parallel play with her dolls. If I change a diaper, so does she. If Ha gets tummy time, so does baby doll. Yesterday we took a walk. . . with Ha and baby doll in the stroller, and JB and I pushing it. JB also likes to help by bringing me dipes and alerting me when the baby is "dirtiler." Lots of people said a longer spacing might be better (really helpful when you're pg, right?!), but I think we're dealing with fewer jealousy issues this way.

So, the difference in pgs is normal . . . and you'll do fine, even if it's hard. Congrats!

10-06-2010, 09:04 AM
I'm nearing the end of my third (and final!) pregnancy. The only thing constant all three times has been my ending weight (well, I'm almost at my ending weight, anyway, with 3 weeks and 3 lbs. to go from where I ended up with the other two.) Food cravings, symptoms, how I carried--all different mixes each time. The boy pregnancies have been more similar than my middle girl pregnancy, but still, all three have been distinct.

10-06-2010, 09:29 AM
Congrats!! I would say you are definitely pg- 2 tests isn't probably anymore, lol!

I'm on my 3rd pg and all have been different. In fact my 2nd was my easiest and this one has been my hardest in terms of symptoms. I gained the same weight with the first 2 and though I still have 10 weeks to go I'm hoping to gain less this time because I started out about 20lbs. heavier than with the other 2 :rolleyes: . I'm with you on the scared thing....it's so "definite". I've been having more unsure feelings lately about having a 3rd but I'm obviously going to have to suck it up and deal!! The newborn stage is not my favorite, after going through it 2 times I've realized that for sure, so I'm just going to have to plow through it and survive. Hoping for that mythical easy baby this time around!

10-06-2010, 12:16 PM
Yes, it's normal to have different experiences. I was also still BFing dd1 when I was pregnant w/ #2--you aren't alone in that. I just had my 3rd, who was a surprise, 7 years after #2. The pregnancy was a bit rough because of my age and the changes that it caused (long story), but I am so happy we had her. She is such a blessing.

Hang in there!

10-06-2010, 12:19 PM
:heartbeat:Congratulations! :heartbeat:

Pregnancy the first time vs the pregnancy experience while you're a mom of a toddler is completely different. Don't feel guilty. You're a different person now in a lot of ways.

10-06-2010, 01:02 PM
I found out I was pregnant with #2 a few weeks backs and I had similar thoughts. The excitement I felt with #1 was completely different. I'm excited but more subdued because I know what the next 2 years are going to be like (or rather I think I know :)).

I'm still BFeeding my 22 month old and I don't want to quit. I won't technically be tandem nursing since he only nurses once in the early morning. I somehow feel that having that single nursing session will make him feel more connected to me and hopefully he will not get very jealous of the baby. But my family and DH's family think I'm nuts to even consider it. They already think I'm superhuman because I clothdiaper, bf and WOH fulltime and want to do it all over again with #2.

My biggest concern as soon as I found out about the pregnancy was that somehow I am cutting short DS's childhood. He's very independent but very very cuddly and loving. I don't want jealousy in the picture and ofcourse I have the eternal fear of if I'll love the next baby as much (I know it sounds silly).

Hang in there and hope you have a great pregnancy.

10-06-2010, 01:05 PM

Yes, both of mine were different in a lot of ways. They were both healthy and easy though- just a few more bumps along the way with ds2 (leg cramps, exhaustion, nausea/ starving simultaneous...).


10-06-2010, 02:24 PM
I have had 4 completely different pregnancies. The first was the easiest & the second the absolute worst- both girls. The 3rd was much easier, even though I was still pretty sick at the beginning. The 4th was fairly complicated until the midpoint, but things got better as I progressed. I was still nursing with both pregnancy #3 & 4. With #3, I nursed number 2 until I was 3 months pregnant. And I nursed #3 until I was 4 months pregnant with number 4.

10-06-2010, 02:30 PM
This is my 6th pg and although 2 don't count (ectopic), there were stark differences between the other 4...some sick, some not so much, some much sicker than I was this time which is going to term...more fatigue w/ this one. My mom did say she had great pgs, though, and I would def call this a good pregnancy overall.

Congrats! ITA w/ the others that 2 POASes is past "probably." ;)

10-06-2010, 03:10 PM

My oldest has become much MORE affectionate after the baby.

And if it's possible, I think I love #2 MORE than I did #1 at this age. I actually felt closer to her the whole second half of the pregnancy because I felt her more often, and just being less stressed/more confident as a second time mommy helps a lot.

Congrats to you, too!