View Full Version : Anyone not hear a heartbeat at 15 weeks?

10-18-2010, 12:50 PM
I went in for my scheduled OB appointment and she couldn't find the heartbeat using the doppler. Thankfully, she did an ultrasound and everything was fine. I was too stunned and shaken up to even ask any questions. Has this happened to anyone? Why would the heartbeat not be picked up at 15 weeks? With DS, it was picked up at 12 weeks with the doppler.

10-18-2010, 12:53 PM
Im sorry, I am sure that scared you! Im glad everything is ok, congratulations! It may have just been the position that the baby was in, sometimes if they are facing a certain direction or at a certain angle it can be difficult to get the doppler pointed in the right direction to pick up the heartbeat.

10-18-2010, 01:04 PM
My doctor only found one heartbeat. Even though it wound up being twins. I'm sure that scared you though!

10-18-2010, 01:06 PM
When I was in for my 16 week checkup the doctor couldn't hear the heartbeat with the Doppler. I had an US immediately and everything was just fine. It depends on the position of the baby.

10-18-2010, 01:11 PM
Dr. got an inconsistent heart beat at just shy of 35 weeks with DD2. Freaked me out a bit, but I had to to L&D to make sure everything was fine, and it was butt, the stupid monitor picked up very minor contractions and so they had to give me the drug to make them stop. It was 4 hrs. I will never get back in my life.

10-18-2010, 01:12 PM
My doctor only found one heartbeat. Even though it wound up being twins. I'm sure that scared you though!

Same here, although I already knew it was twins from the 6 week dating u/s. The Dr told me beforehand that it is sometimes diffcult to hear a heartbeat at that stage because of the position, but I was still scared.

Glad everything looks ok on the u/s!

10-18-2010, 01:12 PM
I was around 10-12 weeks and they couldn't find Ds#2, IIR. He was tricky to find other times after that.

It all depends on the position of the baby. As long as the U/s showed that everything was fine, I wouldn't worry about it. You just got an extra sneak peek!

10-18-2010, 01:23 PM
Didn't happen to me (although a couple of times it took longer than I liked!) and how nervewracking! I have read that it does happen depending on how active the baby is moving around that sometimes can't pinpoint the right locations.

10-18-2010, 02:25 PM
I prematurely started to cry during those excruciating long 5 minutes while I waited for the u/s room to be ready. My OB assured me that there are no negative implications when you can't hear the heartbeat, as long as you could see it. But I still can't help being worried! I guess that's just my nature. Oh, well!

10-18-2010, 03:57 PM
My OB said this has to do with your build and the placement of your uterus. It's easier to hear it (and hear it sooner) on small/short waisted women. As long as the ultrasound found the baby, no worries. Plus, maybe the baby was in a funny position that made it harder to pick up.

10-18-2010, 04:01 PM
wow, how scary. at 10wks pg with DS i remember my OB couldn't find the hb for the longest time and i was started freaking out. she was searching for a few minutes and they were almost going to do a u/s before she finally found it. at 15wks, i can't imagine how scared u must have been! glad everything was ok on the u/s!

and as other ppl said, it totally depends on the baby's position, uterus, etc. even at 38 weeks i could never find DS's heartbeat myself with a regular stethoscope (even though most sources claim you should be able to). but i know others could, even early on in 3rd trimester.

10-18-2010, 04:08 PM
The same thing happened to me with DS-although I can't remember exactly which week. My OB was VERY reassuring as she called for the ultrasound so I wasn't that worried. Once we looked at the ultrasound I felt better. I think at the early stages position of the baby and the uterus can sometimes make it hard to find.

10-18-2010, 04:59 PM
Usually, they use a fetoscope to hear the fetal heartbeat. I don't think even lay midwives use stethescopes.

I had scares with 2 pregnancies- one was lack of heartbeat at 12 weeks & one was a massive hemorrhage. Both scared the living daylights out of me. Neither of those was a miscarriage. I had one at 8 weeks- my first, but i don't really count that as a pregnancy because it was a blighted ovum.

10-18-2010, 05:07 PM
I had twins and at 16 weeks my very experienced OB could only find one heartbeat. Scary, for sure. But since I had no signs that anything was wrong, he said there was nothing to worry about and I had to wait another agonizing 4 weeks for a sono!

10-18-2010, 10:52 PM
Yes, the baby can be in a bad position and it can happen the whole time. It happened with dd at like 38 weeks. The lying there as they check and don't find it is absolute torture. Glad they did and u/s and it's all well. It's scary, but it does happen.

10-19-2010, 06:31 PM
My DD was almost impossible to find on the doppler at even 21 weeks because I had the placenta in the front. It blocked the baby's heartbeat and made the L & D nurses panic and me panic too. Also being breech didn't help.

I was so scared (I had a 17 week loss) but they finally found it. She is 11 months today and healthy.