View Full Version : Yeah, sorry, another boot thread

10-18-2010, 07:09 PM
Ok, so I went out to look at boots today and now I get all the boot threads. There are tons of styles that all seem equally popular right now.

I have these
which I got for a steal. They are the only decent boots I own at the moment. So if you were only going to buy two more pair for now (I'll get another one or two post-season) with a total cost of $200-250, what would you get.

Some info: I just don't think I can "rock" the skinny jean thing. Just not my physical build. I can do a-line skirts with boots and above pair are adorable with two different skirts I have. I am going to buy at least one straight leg pair of boots to fit inside of some warm winter boots. I do business casual for work and I work part time so I do the mom pick up thing as well. I live in the Chicago area (lots of wet snow, at times I'm out shoveling/snow-blowing if DH is not home. It can be VERY icy some days as it can warm up to 45+ degrees one day and plummet to a high of 10 the next. So I'm thinking one practical and one fun/stylish.

FYI, you guys rock. I now have new jeans from ATL, a great cardigan and a great skirt thanks to suggestions from here. I used to have a very defined sense of personal style that I'm trying to reclaim.... I may not contribute a lot on this forum, but I am listening!

Oh, and I might, just might, do an additional pair now IF if find two rocking knee highs are found and I feel a need to grab an ankle height.

Help. I just don't have time to wander around the malls and try on things the way I used to.


I tend to hold onto boots for several years. So anything super trendy I will just purchase cheaply. Feel free to add any under $40 finds that are super trendy but fun. Just as an example, I bought an adorable pair of $14 ballet flats because I wear them for such a sort time of the year. By the time spring hits here we are all so desperate to not wear boots I find myself in sandals so that's the type of thing I only wear in fall until the first snowfall/ice-slick.