View Full Version : Lego Set for 6-7 year old girl

11-08-2010, 06:46 PM
Wondering what would be a good set for my 6.5 year old dd. We currently have a lot of duplos that get a lot play from my 4 year old and 21 month old. Older dd jumps in and plays with them sometimes, but would like to find a set that is more age appropriate for her. What sets are popular among the girls?

11-08-2010, 07:04 PM
I don't have a girl that age, but I saw a Lego House set in the Target toy ad that looks like fun for a boy or a girl (if she had friends over or something):

http://www.target.com/City-4517710-LEGO-House/dp/B003F7TSOE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&searchView=grid3&keywords=lego%20house&fromGsearch=true&sr=1-2&qid=1289257399&rh=&searchRank=target104545&id=City%204517710%20LEGO%20House&node=1038576%7C1287991011&searchSize=30&searchPage=1&searchNodeID=1038576%7C1287991011&searchBinNameList=subjectbin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_ primary_color-bin%2Ctarget_com_size-bin%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin&frombrowse=0

Sorry about the long URL. I don't know how to do the "clips" and things.

ETA: Ah, the site shortened it for me.:)

11-08-2010, 08:04 PM
My DD's favorites are Toy Story/Toy Story 3 and City sets.

She also likes the plain brick boxes so she can just build misc. stuff or from the Pick A Brick wall at the store.

She also loves minifigures.

11-08-2010, 08:26 PM
My nieces like the houses. The City House is on sale this week at Target and there is a coupon. Sam's club is carrying the Apple House for around $40, IIRC. If she doesn't have much experience with Legos, though, you may want to start smaller. The Toy Story sets would be good for that as they come in a range of sizes. Sam's club also has a box of bricks for $23 this year.

11-09-2010, 01:11 AM
Thanks. I think the City House might be the way to go! I think that she'll enjoy that much better than the Toy Story sets.