View Full Version : Breastfeeding Tantrum... Help!

11-13-2010, 02:04 AM
My DS is just over 5 weeks old. We had significant trouble with breastfeeding in the beginning (my nipples were flat and he was having trouble latching.) However, I stuck to it and we saw a lactation consultant every week; we finally got it about two weeks ago! :yay:

Today, DS would NOT breastfeed. He threw an absolute temper tantrum, crying the hardest I've ever heard him. I thought if I let him "cry it out" he would become hungry enough and latch. Nope. Plus, I couldn't let him cry too long because it broke my heart.

He's been occasionally taking bottles since getting the hang of BF and I know all about nipple confusion. I just thought we were "in the clear" because after weeks of mostly being fed breastmilk from the bottle, he latched and was doing well nursing. Has anyone experienced anything similar to this? Do you have any advice or suggestions of things I can try when he gets that upset? I'm petrified he won't bf again; however, I really don't think that will be the case. *FINGERS CROSSED* Thanks!

11-13-2010, 09:14 AM
Did you try both breasts? I have had flat nipples (Ameda shells saved my life) and now sometimes one of them is pointier than the other, and my son won't latch on to the flat one. What exactly was he doing? Was he trying to latch and not able to?

11-13-2010, 10:58 AM
Here are some ideas for how to get him back on the breast:


11-13-2010, 11:36 AM
We just tried again this morning and same thing... :cry: I'm getting so discouraged. I don't know why this is happening all of the sudden.

What he does is moves his head back and forth really rapidly, until he finally latches (for literally a suck or two) and then he pulls off and screams. I know he's latched and getting milk because I can feel it.

Just this morning, I tried pumping to pull my nipple out some more, hoping that would help. Needless to say, it didn't. I'm desperate here! I don't want to have to give up on BF.

11-13-2010, 11:39 AM
Ok, let's eliminate a few things. I had a friend whose baby went on a nursing strike in the early weeks and they were successful at reestablishing breastfeeding and he went on to nurse for over a year. Don't give up hope! Also, the more tension/anxiety your baby senses from you the harder it will be for him to nurse - he needs to sense 'calm/comfort' instead:

1. Have you tried dreamfeeding him (offer the breast while he is asleep - his defenses won't automatically come up)

2. What about sitting in a warm bath together.

3. The more skin-to-skin contact you can have (nursing or not) the better - I would spend his naps with him naked except for a diaper against your (naked) chest. The scent of the mother is powerful and can help him feel comfortable enough to nurse again

4. Is he in pain? Reflux or ear infection? If there is any medical condition leading to his discomfort then I would work on that ASAP.

5. If he is really really hungry and hasn't nursed, I would give him 1 oz in a bottle but no more - you don't want him to be ravenous, you want him to be partially filled but still looking for more when you try to nurse if he's striking like that IMO.

6. The link above is really REALLY helpful with tons of ideas to try.

11-13-2010, 11:40 AM
2 thoughts

1. Reflux often sets in around 6 weeks. Look up infant reflux and see if he has any of the symptoms. If he does, it hurts to eat so he is resisting eating.
2. Have you eaten anything different lately? Many BFing moms can eat anything, but some babies will not tolerate it. A DF's newborn wouldn't nurse for a full day after she had eaten some soup with broccoli, onion, etc.

11-13-2010, 11:58 AM
It's possible he is still having some latch problems. That sounds like what my DD was doing when we did. She was younger though so I can't be sure.

I think at this point I would try to see the LC again.

11-13-2010, 05:04 PM
If baby is bopping their head all around searching for the breast, slightly putting into their mouth, but not latching on and sucking, it's probably that your nipples aren't out far enough/long enough to touch the roof of their mouth inside to stimulate the reflex that tells them to latch on and start sucking.

I would wear the breast shells inside your bra for several more weeks, until the tissue fibroids that hold back your nipples from the inside have permanently stopped reattaching themselves. Otherwise they can keep growing back and pulling your nipples back inward.


Also--this is a must--feed him BEFORE he gets really hungry, or he will start going crazy, crying, getting all worked up and will not be able to latch on.

If baby is latched on, sucks for a minute, but keeps popping off, then your let down might be slow on that side, and he is impatient with waiting, as he is used to getting instant milk from the bottle nipple. Express a few drops so he can taste it, latch him on, and just keep trying encouraging him to stick with it until the milk starts flowing. It will take awhile to retrain him to be patient.

If the milk is flowing and he is pulling off and arching his back, it's probably reflux and/or oversupply, overactive letdown.

Hope this helps!