View Full Version : My 11mo is nursing like a newborn HELP! xpost

11-22-2010, 09:47 AM
Ugh, I'm exhausted. For the past 3 days my 11mo has been nursing like a newborn at night...up every 2hrs, sometimes more often. Worst yet, she isn't eating as many solids as she has been. She is usually consistent about having a full yogurt for breakfast, a jar of puree for lunch and dinner (usually with cereal) plus snacks, finger foods, etc. But for the last few days she isn't finishing anything I offer. I don't think it's a growth spurt. I thinking maybe it's teething...working on her molars...or even separation anxiety. Sometimes she's only asleep 20mins before she wakes up screaming so I know she can't be hungry, but the only thing that settles her is my boob. This is happening at naptimes too. She used to be a great sleeper.

Any thoughts? Suggestions?

ETA: no fever, no signs of illness, happy and content the rest of the day, just horrible, horrible sleep pattern.

11-22-2010, 10:29 AM
Have you tried Motrin for her teething?

11-22-2010, 10:52 AM
Have you tried Motrin for her teething?

I did tylenol (generic) at nap and bedtime yesterday and didn't see any improvement.

11-22-2010, 11:54 AM
I have heard Motrin is 10x more effective for teething pain than tylenol - i'd try it and see. But otherwise just accept this as a temporary stage where she needs you more b/c she's uncomfortable and it will pass relatively quickly - it did for both my kids :).