View Full Version : Remote control cars: AAAAAAH!!!

12-06-2010, 04:50 PM
So I recommended that my parents get a Kid Galaxy Slick Drifter for each of the twins:

And my mom pointed out that they are pretty large and would we want these racing about the house? As I look further into this, I'm finding that remote control cars seem to be pretty difficult to get consensus on - I assume due to wear and tear + cheap designs.

Has anyone had experience with these? Or do you know of another type I should look at?

Hot Wheels Stealth Rides: 3" long


Kid Galaxy Mini Slick Drifter:


12-06-2010, 04:59 PM
I have tried remote controlled cars, helicopters and motorcycles (various brands including air hogs), none work great. My problem is I have 2 boys who tend to get the same item...that's a problem because the remote tries to control both cars. I separated them and put the boys in separate rooms and one of the controlers still controlled both cars. Very Very frustrating. Air hogs now has items that run on different "bands" or frequencies - We still could not get them to work.

Needless to say, my boys still would like some, but I'm not buying them
