View Full Version : Question about teething!

01-07-2011, 06:47 PM
Does it totally interrupt your child's sleep routine?? DS is not napping the last few days. He's doing 10-20 minutes 2xdaily compared to a 1hr and 2.5 hr nap last week. And while he's awake, no more happy kid who plays nicely. It's all whine and cry.

He's also trying to stand and walk. Learning new things makes him a little uptight til he masters them, but come on! This doesn't combine well with a migraine.

Tell me he'll nap again soon:)

01-07-2011, 10:59 PM
YES!!! That was my first indicator that a tooth was coming, sleep went to absolute pot! It was tough. I did medicate during night sleep if I was sure he was teething, and occasionally when he would nap if he clearly needed some relief. Once the tooth came through though everything went back to normal! Here's to hoping the teeth make a quick appearance!

01-07-2011, 11:04 PM
This is exactly what we're going through. Our girl is such a great sleeper but has been a terror this week. I'm hoping these teeth make it through soon, I can see them there just waiting to torture us all a bit more.

01-07-2011, 11:35 PM
Right there with you! Today especially...awful!