View Full Version : Recommend first reader books

01-21-2011, 04:15 PM
title says it all. DD has been wanting to read by herself, so was hoping to get some very first reader books.

I dont think she can actually do it yet, though she can identify and sound almost all letters.

01-21-2011, 04:22 PM
She may be a bit young, though. You can try having her sound out simple, regular words (Dog, cat, etc.) and see if she gets the concept of making words from the sounds.

If she can, BOB books have been great for all three of mine once they could do that. They have limited sounds and use regular patterns so that they can succeed without having to know too many exceptions. For example, they start with only short vowel sounds and consanants with only one sound with a few sight words thrown in (and those are mostly phonetically regular ones). Then as they gain experience, they add a few more. We found that the first two sets were a great foundation, but the third set takes a pretty big jump in difficultly, so you may need to look at other series after the first two sets.

01-21-2011, 05:59 PM
Yes, she is young, its just that in the past week she does not want me to read to her, she wants to read on her own.....I dont know if this is a sign that she really wants to "read", but she will turn pages and kind of tell me a story from the pictures.

Bob books may work for now. Anybody have the "My first phonics board book"?

Was it useful?

01-21-2011, 06:08 PM
We have the 'Phonics Lift-a-Flap Fun' (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=active+minds+phonics+lift+a+flap&cid=17059266427244708691&os=sellers#) book that has been great with DS3 starting to read. It has a picture of say a bat with the word 'bat' underneath, then you lift a flap with the 'b' on it and under is a 'r' to show 'rat' with a picture of a rat. It really gets them into the idea of changing the first sound to make another word. Then it changes the end sounds, etc. You can probably find something similar at the bookstore. We also do this kind of thing with magnetic or foam tub letters - make a word, then change the first or last sound to make something else.

If she wants to work from the pictures, the Brand New Reader series is good for that. The words aren't as simple, but the pictures and repetition make them predictable.