View Full Version : I dont' think I was ever appropriately sympathetic to those with constipation

02-04-2011, 11:41 AM
I debated b/w putting my post here or the BP, but since this is entirely pregnancy induced, this board won out. I should warn you, this is probably one of those TMI posts!

I will be the first to admit, that I am never constipated outside of pregnancy. Way TMI, but I am regular everyday (almost to the hour). I never understood the people who whould go and sit for extended periods of time- I am in and out in only slightly more time than it takes to urinate. Constipation is one of the few early pregnancy symptoms I have (and it is definitely a result of pregnancy, not the vitamins). With DD, they just switched me to a prenatal with stool softener in it and I was fine. Fast forward to this pregnancy - I have been taking prenatals from my nutritionist, but I just ran out. The constipation was uncomfortable, but generally manageable. I figured I would get prescription prenatals because my insurance would cover them and end up being less expensive than the ones I was taking. When I called to OB's office, I explained that I would love the ones I was on last pregnancy (or something similar). I don't know if they weren't listening, didn't care, or if they just don't make them anymore, but they prescribed me something completly different. OMG!! I have never experienced something like this before. ***TMI alert*** I don't think I pushed that hard when I was giving birth to DD. I actually feel psychologically scarred from that experience. I had no idea going to the bathroom could be that painful or scary.

So to all of those with constipation issues, I apologize - I simply had no idea. You will never find me unsympathetic or not understanding ever again. I promise!

02-04-2011, 12:42 PM
Oh my, that sounds painful! **TMI ahead**After my c-section, I was very constipated despite taking stool softeners. In addition to be constipated, I also had a fresh c-section incision, plus lovely hemorroids that I got when pushing (I had an emergency c-section...was 10 cm and pushing). I will never forget one horribly bathroom experience after returning home from the hospital....I think I used my lamaze breathing more then than I did when in labor. It was awful!

Hope you feel better quickly!

02-04-2011, 01:15 PM
Sorry...this made me laugh. But I can totally empathize because I've ALWAYS had issues with constipation...even as a kid. In my adult life I figured out that eating certain foods, etc helps quite a bit, but when I'm pg (as I am now) nothing seems to help.

Last night DS (who is potty training and decided he wanted to sit on the potty for about 45 min last night) thought the faces that mommy was making while she was going potty were hysterical. Yep...I was thinking...kiddo, I'm pushing harder right now than when I had you!

I hope things get better for you...but you are not alone!

02-04-2011, 10:11 PM
I had NEVER experienced constipation either until my first pregnancy. Whoa, I had NO IDEA how painful it could be!! I thought it was just annoying, full feeling, or perhaps could even make you feel a bit queasy from being backed up. Oh, NO. I honestly thought I may be in early labor I was in such pain!! Told DH i may have blacked out for a second on pot, LOL! Awful!! I, too, am much more sympathetic to that issue now.

02-04-2011, 11:00 PM
May I suggest Miralax and gallons of water? TMI~You don't want to develop hemmarhoids, as I have.

02-09-2011, 09:15 AM
This post title cracked me up. I've never really been an "optimum pooper," as the dog food commercial says. I remember choking down all kinds of bran as a kid because my mom was worried when I'd go 3 weeks without a BM.

Oddly, pregnancy actually made me MORE regular. Maybe I was eating better and drinking more water, or maybe it was the Flintstones vitamins I took in lieu of prenatals. No idea. But now it's back to normal (or abnormal, I suppose).

02-09-2011, 09:21 AM
Didn't have the problem during pregnancy but my god the issues post, well immediately after! Colace, prunes, Milk of Magnesia, I took everything to get it going again and compound that issue with the hemorrhoid that I was blessed with and the tear. OMG.

Feel you - hope it resolves quickly

02-10-2011, 11:45 PM
Well, it turns out that my vitamins do have a stool softener in them :47: - I was floored. Apparently the amount of iron in them negates any effect of the minisucle amount of stool softener they have. I have supplemented with some additional SS's every couple of days, and it has helped a lot. Ugg, the things we go through! People who experience this on a regular basis have my :hug: !!

02-11-2011, 12:14 AM
I have become a poop expert what with my own constipation issues and with Greenbean's as well. Yep, iron will bind you up.

If you ever have a situation where you are in pain like that again, do not push! You will get hemarroids. Call your OBGYN and ask if Phillips Milk of Magnesia is ok to take when pregnant. Mine said it was. That stuff is sooo incredibly gentle and has always worked within a half hour for me. In fact, I'd ask at the next appointment (or before) and buy some to keep just in case you find yourself in pain again.

I would also add that if you have never really had many problems with constipation before, then you probably need to be drinking a lot more water during your pregnancy.

I'm sorry you had to go through that!

02-14-2011, 03:39 PM
I had no idea what constipation even really was before I was pregnant. Then I got it in my third trimester. I was seriously debating about going into the hospital to get them to cut it out of me!!!! I also remember thinking to myself that if I could get through this, then labor should be a piece of cake. Stool softeners did not help me at all...at least it didn't seem to help. Maybe it would have been even worse if I didn't take them?