View Full Version : Should I tell ds1 about the science experiments of my youth?

02-22-2011, 01:44 PM
When I was little my bf and I would have experiments in the bathroom: what happens if you stir baby powder and mouthwash together, for example. It was a blast! We never used dangerous products or cleaning supplies, just health and beauty items. I can't decide if I should plant that idea in ds1's head. :) Should I?


02-22-2011, 02:03 PM
I probably wouldn't point it out, but if you think he'd enjoy it why don't you two look up some fun at home science experiments to do together, or that he can do with supervision? My DS1 (7yo) lives for that stuff.

02-22-2011, 05:05 PM
YES! DD LOVES to make potions. She's actually not too messy so it isn't a problem, depends on your DS. DD loves to add shaving foam and put a spray of perfume and whatever else she sees. Sometimes she'll use kitchen stuff and add bathroom stuff too. She hasn't tried the powder and mouthwash though, I'll have to tell her about that one! DD is 8, same as your DS I think?