View Full Version : Dehumidifier water for laundry?

03-19-2011, 08:59 AM
Does anyone do this? I clean my dehumidifier frequently to ward off any mold or fungal issues. I was thinking of using this water in my laundry to help conserve. Is this a good idea or not?

03-19-2011, 04:40 PM
We do it all the time, if the dehumidifier tank is full and we're starting laundry. I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be OK. Unless you have cleaning products/chemicals in the water from cleaning it? I never clean our dehumidifier - we empty the tank at least once a day this time of year, so I guess I don't think mold, etc. will have much of an opportunity to grow there. Heck, as far as mold/fungus goes, that dehumidifier tank is probably the least of our basement's problems!

03-22-2011, 10:49 PM
I want to put a dehumidifier in our basement and then "bottle" the water to use in humidifying the first and second floors. I have read that the water captured by the dehumidifier is essentially distilled so it won't leave hard deposits in the humidifier. Has anyone tried this? Is there a dehumidifier that would make it easy to transfer the water to bottles? I would probably buy several plastic bottles of distilled water and just refill those.


04-03-2011, 09:21 AM
Elilly, we do the same thing- it's better than dumping water only to run the faucet right next to it!! I do it every time i dump my dehumidifier!!