View Full Version : Paying it Forward--Yay for Mentoring

03-22-2011, 11:58 AM
I am just tickled pink and wanted to share this awesome story. I still keep in touch with a young woman who used to work for me 8+ years ago (before kids when I was a manager). She works in the same University as I do, but different departments etc. now. She has been trying to work her way up while being a mom etc and I enjoy being able to give her some ideas and advice.

At one point, she asked if I would formally mentor her and I had to say to her--I am so on the mommy track now and so out of the loop that I would not be a big help. (ugh, but true) Then I thought of another manager who is really awesome and would be a great mentor--willing to take the time etc. So I suggested she talk to that manager.

She finally got up the courage and called that manager and set up a meeting. That manager LOVED her (I knew she would) and had all sorts of good ideas for her professional development and even suggested she apply for a new position coming up. My friend has wanted out of her current job for over a year now and this would be a great position for her.

She called me and she is so excited. I am so excited. I knew this manager would be a good person to talk to but this went beyond my hopes for my friend. I am so happy for her. (and I am secretly relieved/happy that my name can still grease a few wheels around here ;))

I am so thankful to all the people who mentored me over the years and especially to people who gave me a chance. This is a great reminder to take the time to mentor/assist people--not only are they happy but it makes you feel great!!!!

03-22-2011, 04:10 PM
This story made my day. It's so amazing what you can do for others. You gave her more than she could hope for because you are a good person and good friend. Keep passing on that kindness!