View Full Version : Flip Flop Friendly Stroller

03-31-2011, 03:21 PM
So it's officially hot here and I am back in flip flops on a regular basis. What umbrella strollers are flip flop friendly? I dropped by jogging stroller on my foot yesterday ...hurt like none other....so I need to stop debating and just get something lighter!

03-31-2011, 03:36 PM
Do you mean flip-flop friendly brake or fold? Or just something lighter in general? The G-luxe and Micralite Fastfold have hand-level folds. Or the BJCM. What strollers do you have now?

03-31-2011, 03:53 PM
Flip flop friendly brake and fold. I have a Chicco umbrella stroller now that you have to pull a level with your foot towards yourself to get it to unlock and fold. I can't do it with open toed shoes.

I have a BJCE, Britax B-Ready, just sold my Vista, and the Chicco umbrella. Oh and the Chicco Cortina in the attic that needs to go since I hate it.

03-31-2011, 08:53 PM
Hmm, well I would forget the BJCM-- nice, but too similar to the BJCE, just smaller. But it has a fairly flip-flop friendly brake, and the huge canopy. IIRC, don't you live in TX? Not sure if you'll be using it outside much...
And a Mac or a Cybex pretty much has the same fold as your Chicco now. I would look at the 2 strollers I mentioned above. Maybe someone else can chime in on other strollers that would fit the criteria.

03-31-2011, 09:05 PM
Yes Texas but I just want this for quick errands. I didn't think about needing something with a hand fold or easy step break when I looked at strollers last time.

03-31-2011, 09:23 PM
Quinny Zapp has step brakes (both for lock and unlock) and a fold that is a pain, but is flip flop friendly IIRC. No recline though so it depends how old your kid is as to whether it would work.

03-31-2011, 09:50 PM
I second the g-luxe/g-lite recommendation. Also the 2011 cybexes have foot flop friendly brakes & fold and huge canopies.