View Full Version : Its 10pm, what's your child dreaming of?

05-08-2011, 01:34 AM
I don't know what the f$^*(*%&^$ she'd be dreaming of, because she's f&^*)&$#^% AWAKE. TWO HOURS PAST BEDTIME. She was tired when I put her down for bed, and she's been freaking chattering, playing, flip flopping around since then. SO, who has been out with friends all day, and calls on his way home (it's a 3 hour trip home), says "Are you sure she's doing it on purpose?" Uuummm yeah, did you miss the fact that we have discussed this issue 5 times in the last 7 days?

She's been fighting sleep more and more lately. The teacher has noted that her Concerta doesn't seem to be working at school. Today, she couldn't pay attention to save her life at tball. She's doing stupid sh!t all the time ("DD, please don't kick SO's seat" so she stops kicking with one foot, and changes to kicking with the other, and seems shocked when she's in trouble for kicking 2 seconds later!).... I can see this all being related to the lack of sleep. She's always had HUGE sleep needs (like 11+ hours a night, still!, at 7yo), or she's unbearable. Like she is now.

And MD dinner as at MIL's tomorrow afternoon. I like my MIL, not any issue with her, usually. But now I have a cranky DD who won't be able to listen to save her life. And I haven't been able to get to bed because SOMEONE (not naming names, DD!) is in there dancing in her freaking bed, chattering away like it's 3 in the afternoon!