View Full Version : Update in OP: Went to get my Mirena out today and...

05-27-2011, 02:44 PM
Had my follow up u/s and IUD removal today. Thankfully the doc I saw today, after some "digging around" (yes she called it that) found the IUD and didn't need the u/s to guide it. But, they did do the u/s prior to removal so that they could evaluate me for cysts and sure enough I have a cyst on my left ovary. Not sure the details yet...will hear the official dx w/in a week. The u/s tech said it appeared "simple" to her (which is what you want) but she didn't give me any indication of how big it is. So now I'm even more relieved to have had the Mirena removed since up to 10% of Mirena users get cysts. Oh goody! Assuming it is a simple cyst I'll have to go back in another 2-3mos for a follow up u/s to see if it (fingers crossed) shrinks.

Still haven't made up my mind on new BC. Sticking to condoms for the time being as I want my system to reset itself post-Mirena. I'm considering Paraguard, but still not sure.

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She couldn't find the strings!! Actually the entire thing was a comedy of errors. First the bulb was burnt out on the exam light so she tried to give me a pelvic and pull the Mirena in the dark I guess you could say. That didn't work so she had the nurse bring in a flashlight. Yes, people the doc was feeling and looking all while a nurse stood down there too holding a flashlight. Then she's digging to the center of the earth trying to find the darn thing and asks for different tools to help. No go. Can't feel the strings and asks me when the last time I felt them was. I said last week. So now I have to go back next week for an ultrasound so the doc and use the ultrasound to help her find it. To make it even better...got home and felt for myself and I had no problem finding those damn strings. Obviously I am relived that I can feel them and it's not floating around my body somewhere but I am pi$$ed that I have to make another visit, live with this darn thing for another week (after waiting 4wks for my appointment to have it taken out), pay a sitter cause I'm not dragging 2 kids there, pay another copay for this whole thing. AHHHHHHHH!!!!

Oh, and she was going to suggest an US anyway because she wondered if maybe I have a benign cyst that is causing the pelvic pain, bloating, etc that I am getting monthly. I guess Mirena is the only BC that can cause cysts. The fun continues.

05-27-2011, 02:47 PM
That stinks. When I had my IUD removed a few years ago it went out so easily I wondered why I couldn't just do it myself! It was like all he did was reach in and take it out. Good luck


05-27-2011, 02:50 PM
Uh...ok, that is weird. I mean that the doc couldn't find it and you could. I'd be pissed too...especially having to take more time out, an additional co-pay (which I think I'd try to refute).

I'm sorta surprised that she didn't ask if you could find it during the exam. You know...step out and check in the privacy of the ladies room or something. I don't know...I've never used a Mirena so maybe that wouldn't work...but it seems weird. And I'd be frustrated, too!

05-27-2011, 02:57 PM
uggh...........I am sorry. That is really a double-uuugghhh.

05-27-2011, 03:11 PM
argh!! So sorry!

05-27-2011, 04:13 PM
So, I went in two weeks ago to get mine out and replaced with a new one. The doctor could not reach it. She tried for awhile and then said I'd need to come back in when the ultrasound tech was in the office so she could guide her to it.

I had to come back a few days later and even with the ultrasound tech, it took her probably 15 minutes of poking around my cervix. I was in agony and seriously felt like I might pass out. The cramping was excruciating. It was just awful. I had tears streaming down my face and was sweating like a pig.

She finally got it after telling me that if she couldn't get it in the next try, I'd have to go it out in the hospital under mild sedation. She told me I should've gone ahead and tried non-medicated childbirth because I had a very high pain threshold.

I was VERY happy with the Mirena, but honest to God, I have not yet called to make the appt to have it reinserted b/c I just don't think I can do that ever again. I will probably go on the pill.

06-02-2011, 12:53 PM
Update in OP. The fun just continues! I'm not lucky enough to win the lottery but I'm lucky enough to develop every Mirena side effect listed!

06-14-2011, 12:28 AM
Wendibird- I'm catching this thread late because I haven't been on here too much lately. I would discourage you from getting the Paraguard if you've been having cramping, pelvic pain & bloating. The few side effects of the Paraguard are heavy periods & severe cramping. I've had two Paraguards & been generally happy except for the insanely heavy periods & cramping that occasionally had me doubled over in pain.
Your story is totally bizarre BTW. I'd be so annoyed if that happened to me! I agree with the OP who suggested you find it yourself. IMO the dr should have suggested that.

06-15-2011, 12:51 PM
I would second the warnings on the Paraguard. Granted, I have always had bad cramps, but it made them worse. The second time I had one put in it wasn't awful, but the first was very, very painful, like "almost passing out in the waiting room on the way out" painful.

For a measure on the cramps, without Advil mine are almost as bad as labor pains - with the Paraguard, well, I was grateful when we decided to have DD2 as it would mean just doing a few hours of labor instead of months of menstrual cycles with the IUD....

I was so glad when I got to tell DH it was his turn to deal with BC issues and he got snipped...