View Full Version : Anemia PSA

05-29-2011, 02:11 PM
I have been taking iron for a week, because my level was 9 at the doctors. I am amazed as how different I'm feeling. If you find yourself getting angry easily, having heart palpitations, being overly tired or other just ask them to check it. I'm sure it's not back to where it belongs yet, but I'm just shocked at how much better I'm feeling already. Emotionally too. I did not realize that my irritability could be from something other than just being pregnant.

05-29-2011, 02:29 PM
Glad that you are feeling better. This sounds very similar to what happened to me with DS2. I just thought I was SO worn out from being pregnant with a toddler and just having moved. The difference was great when I started taking a prescription iron supplement. This time around, I am borderline low but not enough for them to push the supplement. Trying to up my iron intake and thinking about an otc supplement.

05-29-2011, 03:14 PM
I am definitely asking about this at my next appt! I have been feeling super tired lately and just a few days ago realized that my prenatals don't have iron in them (I switched to an iron-free formula during my first trimester because a friend told me that would help with morning sickness; I fully intended to switch back after a few weeks but just kept buying the same kind); now that I am in my 3rd trimester, I am betting my levels are low.