View Full Version : I'm exhausted

06-14-2011, 08:43 PM
DS3 has been up every 1.5 hours for the last two nights. My older two have been off the wall with behavior and our school days have been very stressful. I have tried to make the last couple of days lighter and more "fun" and it hasn't helped at all. I'm down to eating almost just plain carbs - pieces of bread and bagels - with the occasional fruit or veggie thrown in because I'm worried that everything I'm eating is upsetting DS's stomach and that's why he's up all night. I feel like I can't finish a complete thought and cry at the drop of a hat. And I'm tired of going to bed at 8:30 at night just trying to get a little sleep before the night wakings start...I just had to get this out. Thanks for listening...

PS - If you know any magical remedies to get said baby to sleep, fire away! I'm so exhausted that I toy with the idea of weaning which I do NOT want to do. I just want a break.

06-14-2011, 09:27 PM
sending huge hugs. I'm sorry you are going through this. Have you looked into reflux for the baby. DD was that. Up all the freaking time at night. A couple days on prevacid and I thought she had died. She slept 5 hours at a time. I woke up leaking like crazy and woke her up to nurse!

06-14-2011, 09:47 PM
HUGS so sorry sending you sleep vibes for the house!

06-14-2011, 10:09 PM
Oh, no, that is so hard. Reflux came to my mind too. Other things to consider- is the room too hot? too cold? Too noisy? Too quiet? too light? Is baby eating enough during the day so that he should be sleeping more at night? These were all issues I ran into with my babies.

Would you consider cosleeping so that you can nurse baby while lying down all night long? the only reason I got any sleep was because I kept baby in bed with me while I was nursing. I was falling asleep sitting up while nursing them, I might as well be comfortable! That turned out to be a wonderful situation.

Have you tried letting him sleep in a swing? Bouncy seat? Sometimes the seats or swings set on vibrate can lull them to sleep.

GL! I hope you can get some rest!

06-14-2011, 11:02 PM
This worked for us with DS:


the only thing I found with a good incline for reflux but also OK for night time sleep that worked

Zegerid also made a difference for his reflux when other meds did not

hoping you get some sleep soon!!!

06-15-2011, 01:19 PM
Thanks, all for the well wishes and hugs :) Last night was no different / no better. He has been on Zantac for reflux since about 4 weeks and he's 3 months now so it has kicked in by now. I think this might just be the perfect storm - teething, reflux, etc. It makes me anxious to nurse him before bed and hear his stomach totally rolling with gas. He was sleeping from 8pm until 4 am until he started teething a couple of weeks ago.

I took him to the ped. this morning to rule out ear infection, etc. He's gained weight since his last visit, his ears look perfect, so I can rule out not eating enough or ear infection. She did say his stomach sounded gassy - more gassy than normal for a baby. She recalculated his Zantac dose and we can up it since he's gained weight so I'm going to start there. I did under-dose a couple of times last week because I tried giving him Tylenol at bed to help with the teething and didn't want to the two things together to crush his stomach.

She also suggested gripe water. Has anyone used this with any success? She finally suggested switching him from Zantac to Prevacid if things aren't improved in a couple of days and seeing if that helps his gas.

I can use any sleep baby vibes you all have!

06-15-2011, 03:26 PM

She also suggested gripe water. Has anyone used this with any success? She finally suggested switching him from Zantac to Prevacid if things aren't improved in a couple of days and seeing if that helps his gas.

My brother & SIL tried it with my nephew because they were told not to use Mylicon with his Zantac.

They switched to Mylicon instead after a while because it didn't seem to work for my nephew. I'd check with your pedi (or a pharmacist) just in case there's any reason your DS's meds and Mylicon would conflict with each other.

Good luck!

06-16-2011, 12:35 AM
Your post reminded me of one I read in a google group I'm in. Went back and searched for it and the mom realized that all the wheat she was eating was bothering her baby's tummy. She didn't write what she ate instead, though. I know some of the big culprits I see mentioned a lot for diet sensitivity are dairy, wheat and soy, and that when the mom eats broccoli or cabbage that can make a baby feel gassy too. If the gripe water and medicine don't work I'd be happy to try to find the post again and ask the mom more about her experience.

06-16-2011, 09:28 PM
just had to say from our reflux experience -- Zantac did not work for either of our babies. In fact we suspected it made our DS sleep less! We had to try several meds before we found the one that worked (Zegerid).

Anyway, I know all babies are different but wanted to share that for us, Zantac did not help with reflux.

Hope your sweet baby is sleeping better soon! Hang in there, I know how difficult it is to be so sleep-deprived.
