View Full Version : My mom doesn't want to visit anymore and I'm fine with it

06-16-2011, 08:13 PM
My mother has spent her entire visit telling me what I need to do and how I'm doing a host of things wrong and that I should not let DH have anything to do with the kids when he gets home from work b/c he is tired and should rest and not have to deal with household anything or kid anything.

I also do not clean up fast enough. I do laundry all wrong. I don't write down a grocery list on paper--it's wrong I use a dry erase board on the fridge. I buy the wrong foods. I should only go to costco b/c EVERYTHING is cheaper.

I'M SO SICK OF THIS!!!! I cannot take it anymore. I love my mother BUT I DO NOT NEED TO BE LED BY HER. I think I grew up with this and NEVER saw it. Now that I'm an adult and I do things differently she is on me about everything. She has a need to control and I live my life differently (and I know I'm a happier person than she is). I hate to do it to the kids, but we may have to stop seeing her for a while.

06-16-2011, 10:05 PM
Ugh! How much longer is she staying?

06-16-2011, 11:40 PM
ugh! When I even get a whiff of that from any of the parents, it makes me buggy. What you're describing is intolerable.

06-17-2011, 03:58 AM
That totally sucks. Not that she deserves an oppressive loud opinion on any of the details of your life, but I find it rather amusing that she takes issue with a whiteboard on a fridge. What the hell could possibly be wrong with that?

06-17-2011, 11:09 AM
It's not how SHE does it, so she can't see how it could be useful.

We ended up having a LONG talk last night (actually, I talked. I told her not to say a word until I got it all out). She is who she is and she won't change. She was trying to tell me ways to make my life easier. She sees my life as hard as hers was (financial wise etc...) and honestly was trying to help. No issue with her wanting to offer advice--I can take it or leave it. I told her that advice is one thing but shoving it down my throat is a whole other ballgame.