View Full Version : WWYD? Strange wheezing type noise *sometimes*, when breathing through the mouth

07-11-2011, 11:24 AM
ok so it's probably nothing but the mother hen in me is worried.

Here are the facts, trying not to be too verbose:

- 10 mo. old. makes a strange wheezing sound once in a while, (like every couple of hours)
- Started doing this four days ago
-Only sometimes, ONLY when he takes a big huge breath through the mouth. Usually when super-excited
- No cold, no cough, no congestion for the past couple of months.
- Eating and sleeping and nursing well, no changes at all
- Just started army crawling
- Pedi checked his throat, chest, breathing, heart today and there was nothing.

Pedi told me not to worry and that it's just a normal sound he's making.

Would you follow up/ keep an eye out for anything in specific/ get a second opinion?

Thank you if you reached this far!