View Full Version : Baby movements feel like contractions?

07-14-2011, 06:12 PM
DS2 is getting bigger (about 3lb 4oz) but obviously still has a long ways to go. He keeps pushing outward on my stomach though, and it's really uncomfortable. It isn't painful, but I get a sick feeling sort of like when I have had BH contractions before. I always have to feel my stomach and see if it's hard all over or just in one spot to tell whether it's a contraction or just him pushing. I don't remember that feeling from DS1 and am worried that it might become a constant thing once he's taking up more space in there. Has anyone else experienced this?

07-14-2011, 08:43 PM
Same thing has started happening to me lately. And I'm a few weeks behind you, I think.

07-15-2011, 11:33 PM
I had the same thing when I was pregnant with my son. I often felt like he was poking his butt out right in the middle of my stomach. Seems like is was most noticeable in the middle of my pregnancy, but as it got closer to the end, not so much. Not sure if he just got so big he couldn't move around as much, or if he changed position so that I just felt him in different places. It was very bizarre, though, and, like you said, there for a while I had to feel to see if it was a contraction or him pressing.

logan's mom
07-16-2011, 10:36 AM
Yeap, I am 33 weeks and DS2 has been doing that for a few weeks now. Not my favorite! I try to push a little and move him which DH thinks is mean, but he is not the one having to feel the pressure 24/7.

07-18-2011, 01:50 PM
Yes, same here and I am currently 33 weeks. Mine are very low (and I do know that is where baby's head is).

07-18-2011, 04:18 PM
Glad to know I'm not the only one. DH doesn't understand the feeling at all, but I feel kind of queasy when it happens. It's generally his butt/back pressing out so I don't know if he's just stretching his legs or what. He's actually diagonal with his head on my lower left and feet in the upper right. I guess that's better than kicking up into my lungs, but my right side is actually getting a bit sore already from all the pushing and kicking.

07-18-2011, 06:40 PM
I feel this little girl moving around much more than I did my DS. I am around 33 weeks now and for the last few weeks every night when I sit down for the night, my belly looks like Jiffy Pop Popcorn popping. I can literally sit back and watch my belly move. She also likes to stretch and push against my abdominal wall. I had a US at 32 weeks and figured out that it her butt she sticks out right under my ribs on the right side. She tends to move away when I touch the body part she is pushing out.

DS on the other hand. I didn't feel as many movements with him. I wonder if he had an anterior placenta. But, he would stick his foot out and stretch it out on my right side, right under my ribs. One day I was so sore from him doing this I took moved his little foot a tiny bit to the side, so I could get some relief. He pulled his foot back really quickly, only to stick it back out a minute later. This became a game with him. He would stick his foot out and let us touch it and move it. DH even got to play this game. You could definately tell it was a foot, because it stuck it our far enough you could feel the outline of his foot.:ROTFLMAO: