View Full Version : Need stair gate recs

07-19-2011, 11:41 AM
DS has discovered the stairs and is very fast. We have been using one of the cheap wood gates but I need something to stay there permanently so I'm not having to take the gate on and off. I tried the pressure mounted gates and it went through our dry wall, we live in military housing so very cheap walls. I need something that is wall mounted. I don't need anything at the top of the stairs because DS is always in his crib if hes upstairs. We rarely go up there during the day. We have a wall on both sides of the stairs so don't need any kind of spindle mount.
I have Walmart, Target, ToysRUs(No BRU) locally or I can order through Amazon.

07-19-2011, 11:47 AM
We just were given the Kidco g20c (http://www.kidco.com/main.taf?erube_fh=kidco&kidco.submit.gateDetails=1) from a friend. We are going to use it at the bottom of our stairs.