View Full Version : best non Apple MP3 player for under $50 (pref. $40)

07-19-2011, 05:09 PM
My sister turned 24 two weeks ago and I haven't gotten her a birthday present yet and the other day she mentioned to me that she hasn't been on a run recently because her MP3 player isn't working so I thought maybe I should get her a new one. So what brand do you recommend?

I know NOTHING about MP3 players, I have an Ipod Classic.

07-19-2011, 05:16 PM
DH loves his Sansa clip. There's different price points depending on how much storage you want.
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp;jsessionid=41D8D1A18885F3586E88F20E1E0 F3F02.bbolsp-app01-46?_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&_dynSessConf=-5735415426974397455&id=pcat17071&type=page&st=sansa&sc=Global&cp=1&nrp=15&sp=&qp=&list=n&iht=y&usc=All+Categories&ks=960

07-19-2011, 05:21 PM
I'll second the Sansa Clip. We have two of them in our house and they are great. Small, simple, and (relatively) cheap.