View Full Version : Adoption help for single mom???

08-22-2011, 12:25 AM
My two god kids are adopted from India and their mom wants to bring home another child. Yay!!!

She makes ends meet just fine, but she cannot afford an overseas adoption right now. She very much wants to adopt from India again. She plans to do special needs adoption, if that makes a difference.

Anyway ... there seem to be many organizations that help *couples* adopt but few if any that would help a single mom. Another friend of mine is married and they are finding lots of fundraising help, especially religious-based. (My single mom friend is Christian, too, but all the Christian groups seem to only support couples.)

Do you have any suggestions?

01-09-2012, 01:21 AM
I know how expensive adoptions can be as I have 2 adopted children from Guatemala. I think it's wonderful your friend wants to adopt again! My neighbors adopted a sibling group of 3 from Ethiopia a year ago. She is now on her way home from visiting the new sibling group of 5. The children will hopefully be coming home in the next few months. The cost of 2 roundtrip tickets to Ethiopia is very expensive, plus they will need 5 one-way tickets home. A total of $10,000!!! They were able to raise enough money to cover the tickets plus some extra. And...it only took a few days!! This is the organization they used: www.acharityproject.com

They asked for people to donate $7....$1 for each ticket they needed. A lot of people donated even more. She put it on her facebook page, and asked if others would post the link on their facebook too. It was absolutely amazing to see all the money coming in.

I hope this might help your friend. Also, has she looked into Hannah's Hope?They offer grants for adoptions. Where there's a will there's a way!!!

Good luck to your friend! :)

01-09-2012, 08:49 AM
If she's not already a member of SMC (Single Mothers By Choice) she may want to join and post a question on the forums there - there's a pretty active adoption community so someone may have some ideas for her. http://forums.singlemothersbychoice.org/ My guess, though, is that (as she is finding) there won't be much out there b/c of her being single. It's really unfortunate. The suggestion PP posted sounds promising.