View Full Version : Um, yeah, whatever you say..................

08-28-2011, 07:14 PM
We took the kids for pizza last night. Irene had not really hit us hard yet. I was raining a lot but nothing else. We sat down and ordered and in walks my sister, DN and BIL. So they sat with us. In the conversations we were having my sister turns to me and says "gee, isn't it interesting that YOUR kids got all the problems". SERIOUSLY?! She was mocking me b/c we take our kids to doctors when there are issues (DD just saw the allergist for a possible shellfish allergy and her feet are rolling in pretty bad so off we go to a podiatrist). My sister is severly LD and she had help her entire life with school and other issues. My parents bent over backwards and took out lines of credit on their house to pay for the things she needed.

As an aside, DN also has a host of issues and BIL will not allow her to go to doctors. He says, she is the way she is and they are not doing medical interventions to help her (I think BIL is scared of doctors). DN is afraid of toilets so she wets herself multiple times a day. This is not going to go over well in public K that starts tomorrow (they won't get her any help for it).

So, there I sat while my sister mocked the fact that I try to help my kids. I had no words. But I am glad we do not see them very often.

Just had to get that off my chest.

08-28-2011, 07:17 PM
Wow. No words.

08-28-2011, 07:24 PM
Gee, I don't think that I would have been able to pick my jaw up off the table long enough to chew my pizza. What a rude thing to say. I hope that she comes to her senses, apologizes and gets DN the help she needs.

08-28-2011, 08:21 PM
Gee, I don't think that I would have been able to pick my jaw up off the table long enough to chew my pizza. What a rude thing to say.
:yeahthat: Wow is right. So this wasn't an arranged date, you just happened to meet up? She sounds rather insecure- needing to put you down that blatantly.

08-28-2011, 08:50 PM
yup. It's been that way my entire life. It's worse now though with the kids. I DO NOT compare my kids to hers. I DO NOT actually ever tell her what they are doing. When she found out I held my DS back she decided to constantly use that. She talks about how my DS must be less than her DD b/c he is being held back and that her DD is brilliant. Her DD is made to answer questions for ppl to show how "smart" she is. It's sort of like a side show act (I feel sorry for DN actually, b/c I think she would be a differently child in better circumstances).

08-28-2011, 10:10 PM
UGH... so sorry. What a pain to deal with. Hugs to you! :hug:

08-28-2011, 10:57 PM
My brother and I grew up in similar circumstances - He had learning disabilities and got lots of help. We had a lot of jealousy issues growing up and unfortunately they have bled into our adult relationship. He hated needing the help while i breezed thru school and it was all really easy for me. I was jealous of the attention he got and how i had to do it myself because no one had time to help me and my parent made decisions about me and my education based were made based on how it affected him. We get along better most of the time but we both struggle with our relationship when it comes to us + our parents. Its like were 12 again both begging "notice how great im doing" anytime we are together as a family.

Sounds like your sister is doing something similar. I wonder if her unwillingness to help DN is a hope she'll feel more normal without therapies and such. Id be more worried frequent potty accidents in kindergarten would cause her more social and self esstem issues. Hopefully the school notices the problem and is able to help her before it truely affects her. Its also harder to see issues with your own kids. My SIL refused to see my nephews autism until he was in kindergarten and the signs were apparent at 2. She just assumed it was a phase or he was just a rough kid in general. Some people are just blind to whats right in front of them.