View Full Version : Should I pay our nanny extra?

09-02-2011, 12:03 PM
She's been working with us for two weeks now. We absolutely adore her. She brings the kids smallish gifts (like Smencils, Blendy Penz, etc.) on a fairly regular basis. She brought them donuts one day (not thrilled about that one!!) and Starbucks chocolate milk another. She said, "I was getting a donut/Starbucks anyway!"

Her job is to pick the kids up after school and supervise homework and activities until we get home. I do understand myself that sometimes you need to spend a little money to keep children entertained. They finish their homework and get bored of their toys, and I said no TV or video games.

Should I start giving her a budget for dollar store toys, snacks, etc.? Maybe an extra $20 a week? I sort of sense--and this isn't really relevant--that she's taken this job because she loves children and isn't otherwise occupied (she is a college student who lives with her parents), not because she's desperate for money. But I feel bad having her spend her money on my kids, no matter what the circumstances are.

09-02-2011, 12:29 PM
If you love her, then yes. *I* am someone who spends money to keep DD entertained. We go to starbucks too much just because I need the outlet, and there is no way I can get something and not get her some too. (Spoiled, anyone?) But that's reality. I'm not going to fight it. So, that said, it would be very considerate of you to give her a $20 budget to go do stuff with the kids. I would not even give it to her as pay. I would put a $20 bill in an envelope on the counter on Monday and she puts the change in after every outing. It stays on your counter. When it's gone, it's gone. If she *chooses* to spend money on the kids after that $20 is used up, that's on her.

09-02-2011, 01:20 PM
I think it would be reasonable if you want to. We have left the kids all day (12 hours) with a sitter a couple of times recently and I always leave her with a hundred dollars to cover delivery food and treats. I make it clear they are welcome to walk to Starbucks or some nearby places and get snacks, milkshakes, whatever with the money. It is never all gone when we get home, of course, but she has used it to buy milkshakes on a walk and pre made cookie dough to make cookies as well as for meals.


09-02-2011, 01:38 PM
Our nanny does this and I love it. I've told her that if she gives me a receipt for the things she gets them, I'll gladly reimburse her. Also, if there are art materials or crafts that she wants for projects she should give me a list and I'll gladly purchase them with my next trip to Target or craft store. This works well for her and us.

09-02-2011, 02:44 PM
Thanks so much! I feel much better about this idea, so it must be the right thing to do. :-) I'll also ask her to give me a list of materials so she's not paying out of pocket.

09-02-2011, 03:47 PM
I reimburse for things just by rounding up on the pay each week, taking into account what she has spent.
I did have to ask my babysitter if we could only have once a week treats like ice-cream, cupcake or something as she started to go a bit overboard and do it all the time. So that's one of their weekly afterschool traditions now.

09-02-2011, 04:09 PM
Many families I know keep a petty cash folder for the nanny for things like this. Maybe $20-25 in there to start and just be sure there is always a little something in there. Up to her/honor system to bring it with her on outings or reimburse herself.

09-02-2011, 06:24 PM
Many families I know keep a petty cash folder for the nanny for things like this. Maybe $20-25 in there to start and just be sure there is always a little something in there. Up to her/honor system to bring it with her on outings or reimburse herself.

That is what we do, petty cash. I wouldn't expect a receipt at all though my nanny has left them for big craft supply purchases. It is for our dog sitter too. Usually $60 or so on hand, they don't use it all at once. Starbucks, the play cafe, etc. She does nice things for the kids too sometimes, on her own. I also tell her to buy herself a latte or whatnot at wherever they are going to play.

09-02-2011, 07:28 PM
I think it would be reasonable if you want to. We have left the kids all day (12 hours) with a sitter a couple of times recently and I always leave her with a hundred dollars to cover delivery food and treats. I make it clear they are welcome to walk to Starbucks or some nearby places and get snacks, milkshakes, whatever with the money. It is never all gone when we get home, of course, but she has used it to buy milkshakes on a walk and pre made cookie dough to make cookies as well as for meals.


I always give $ to the nanny -- when we had a regular one there was a kiddy of spending cash -- I totally trusted her.