View Full Version : recycling

09-02-2011, 03:34 PM
How do you organize your recycling til trash day? I have the dirty bin on my front porch and need to figure out a better way to recycle. if I put it out in the detached garage, they build up on my counter all day until I take the trash out at night. Do you have pretty-ish containers for them in your kitchens? Hide them in cabinets?

09-03-2011, 08:19 AM
I have a small trash can in the pantry which gets dumped into that large can outside once every day or two.

09-03-2011, 11:46 AM
I also have a small $2 plastic trash bin that we leave under the sink for paper, cans, etc. Regular trash goes into our tall, Simple Human can.

09-03-2011, 01:07 PM
We have two garbage cans under the sink in the kitchen (same size) – one is for garbage, the other for all types of recycling (we don't sort it right away). When the recycling can is full, DH takes it downstairs to the basement, where we have the recyclings bins provided by the recycling company, and sorts it into the appropriate bins, where the stuff stays until garbage day. I've found that for me personally it's much easier when the recycling bin is right there in the kitchen as opposed to somewhere else in a closet, different room, or outside, because I can just throw things in there as I go. It makes me much more likely to recycle rather than throw it in the trash because I'm lazy. I've had to sacrifice a lot of the space under the sink but for me it's worth it.

09-03-2011, 04:25 PM
We have three bins in our kitchen. One is a tiny Simple Human one for trash, the other one (which I'll count as 2) is a 2 sided Simple Human one for compost and recycling. When they get filled they are taken outside and dumped into the big bins that the trucks pick up. We are lucky that our city picks up all three, we only pay for trash.

We have very little trash, almost everything is recycled or composted. But I can't imagine having to walk to another room to dispose of anything. Upstairs we have recycling and trash in every main room and one compost bin.