View Full Version : Great... here it comes, ugh.

09-15-2011, 04:46 PM
cold/flu season...

Oldest DS came home today from school early with a fever and strep. One down, 5 to go including DH who already feels like crap and is on his way to Patient first with #2DS and going to pick up #'s 3 & 4 as they have had runny noses. We might as well rule them out. They all spend time together so it is inevitable. I am hoping we can catch it early in the others. I just am praying two things:
#1- new baby and I don't get it!!
#2- this means no one will be sick after this for a long while!!

Ugh. It is only the second week of school too. The school nurse said she has discharged at least 3 kids a day since school started with flu like symptoms. Whatever happened to keeping your sick kids home? The other kid on the nurses office was hacking up a lung!!! Thankfully she had my son far away from him. He hasn't even been feeling bad. Maybe since it hit him fast it will go away fast. Wishful thinking :)

I am just not ready for this yet. But who ever is?


DS 03, 06, twins 09 and new baby 7/11

09-15-2011, 06:36 PM
I feel your pain! DD spent the weekend throwing up with diarrhea. It is too early for this junk. Hope your house is better soon!

09-15-2011, 06:46 PM
I know. Both of my school aged boys have a cold. I'm grateful that it is not the flu (no fever), but still. It's just the beginning, and I know it will just get worse, since it's only the beginning of school.

09-15-2011, 08:08 PM
I'm dreading it, so far we're good, but if it's anything like last year I'm going to curl up in a corner and cry.

09-15-2011, 11:00 PM
I feel your pain. This week DS1 had strep throat, DS2 had croup, and DD had a terrible cold. :hug: Hope you can get some rest and stay healthy!

09-15-2011, 11:45 PM
Dolly woke up with a runny nose. Clear, but runny. I'm sure the green goo is but moments away. And tonight my throat REALLY hurts. I'm hoping sleep will help, but I'm not happy about it either! :banghead:

09-16-2011, 03:08 PM
An update!!!

DH took himself, #2,3 and 4 to the doctor and they are all strep negative! Yeah for that. But DH #2 did have a fever and DH does have a nasty upper respiratory infection. He has been sleeping pretty much 18 of the last 24 hours. Last night I woke up sick to my stomach feeling like crap on top of the horrible tooth pain I am having. I feel like I am in a small nightmare right now.

DH- sick with upper respiratory infec. No help with anything as he must "rest"
DS #1- crying and hot as can be & strep and not being of any help or kind at all
DS #2- feels alright he says but super cranky and fussy
DS #3- doing the best, just a snotty nose
DS #4- super fussy, snotty nose and taking Albuteral to keep his wheezing under control.
DS #5- won't nap as he is super gassy or blocked up again. Something I am eating his tearing him up. UGh poor baby
ME- I have a terrible migraine due to a tooth ache (which they can't see me on until Monday!), yucky stomach and exhausted!!! But has no time for this!!!

Lord, give me strength!!!!!

09-16-2011, 06:34 PM
Hugs to you! I've been sick with a horrible head cold/sinus thing since last weekend and DD got a fever last night. She missed preschool today and she has only been 3 times so far. DH is complaining of a scratchy throat now too. I think it's only a matter of time before the boys get it too.

Hate this time of year!

09-16-2011, 06:50 PM
I'm discouraged about this too. As typical, the girls and I have been battling a cold all week and DH is laying in bed RIGHT NOW WITH IT. Typical, that he goes to work as always leaving me alone with the girls while we are all sick and then comes home Friday night for a nice relaxing weekend sick.

Anyway, it's really not his fault but I feel like this: http://crappypictures.typepad.com/crappy-pictures/2011/08/last-monday-started-like-any-other-monday-except-the-boys-were-being-unruly-more-than-usual-i-mean-this-was-the-beginning.html
fortunately, without the puking.

But I am nervous facing flu season while pregnant. I have asthma and tend to catch everything that goes around and spend a couple extra weeks coughing afterwards. So I am discouraged to have gotten something so early in the season. Sorry to have made this all about me, but I hope your family feels better!