View Full Version : DD screeching when she does not get her way

09-15-2011, 07:02 PM
DD has generally been a mellow, 90% of the time happy/smiling child. But recently she has been throwing more tantrums and wanting her way.

She used to get up happy smiling all excited to go to school.
Past month every morning is trying, I end up bribing her quite a bit to just get to school. She is being stubborn. If I say no ipad in the morning, she will whine thru brushing, breakfast, uncooperative wearing clothes...etc. She says she dose not want to go to school....Today morning when I said no to something, she hit me hard on my back and I impulsively reacted and hit her on the bottom.

She is whiny and unco-operative even when we get back home in the evenings. Dosent listen/want to follow simple instructions/requests to pick up toys, put away dishes etc. If I bribe her(junk food, ipad) she will listen....

I dont want her to learn that for doing everyday things she needs rewards. I need some perspective....I dont know how to handle this behavior. What am I doing to encourage this?

09-15-2011, 08:25 PM
Mine's the same age and acts that way sometimes.

I use bribes, but not when she misbehaves. She responds pretty well to 1-2-3, and timeout if she doesn't listen. She gets very upset, but letting her sit and cry in the chair for a couple minutes enables us to have a conversation about why she got in trouble. Gets us past the whiny-bratty-tantrumy part and puts us into a place where we can talk on a parent to child level.