View Full Version : S/O Tablet computers for babies???

09-18-2011, 01:12 PM
Just read this article in the LA Times after reading the ipads for kinder thread.


Yikes. The company making these said they have sold 600 in the first month. I cannot believe parents are plunking down almost $500 for this device. I can see using an iPad as entertainment in a pinch ( long car ride, etc) but not as a primary toy. I guess people will buy anything deemed a "learning" toy or "educational.".

09-18-2011, 04:05 PM
You know the next thing they'll come up with is a computer with a long tube and very bright light so you can project images into tummy for fetal viewing. To make them smarter, you know.

Laurel got one of those Vtech Baby's learning laptop from her sitter on her first bday. Guess who fought over it for the first 6 months until we made it disappear? Uh huh, her 3 and 4yo sister. Now that she's finally "old" enough to be able to play with it, what does she want to play with instead? Her sisters' computers (freebie calculators from some bank).